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Player options, Playable Classes

of Krynn, Dawn of War

Information about the playable classes of the setting and limitations incurred when selecting them.   The setting of Krynn, Dawn of War, has very significant impact on the classes available to the characters of the setting. Because of the wide-spread understanding that the old gods left the world of Krynn, divine magic is severly restricted and has significant limitations in the setting. At the same time, the practice of arcane magic is regulated by the Wizards of High Sorcery and therefore comes with its own limitations and complications. Please see the Magic of Krynn for more information about the understanding of magic in the setting.   The following list describes the classes available to players in the setting.  


  Barbarians are not uncommon among the nomadic human tribes and are also present among the Kagonesti elves. Even dwarven tribes have been know to have barbarians among their ranks.   It is possible to play a barbarian without restrictions to the classes abilities.    


  Fighters are common among many societies in Krynn, including the humans societies of the Kalaman region.   It is possible to play a fighter without restrictions to the classes abilities.    


  Rogues are common amond many societies in Krynn, including the humans societies of the Kalaman region.   It is possible to play a rogue without restrictions to the classes abilities.    


  Monks are rare in Krynn among the playable races in the setting.   It possible to play a rogue without restrictions to the classes abilities, but it would require extra work to align the background story with the setting.    


  Rangers are common amoung the elves races and forest gnomes, but even among the other playable races the rangers are not uncommon. The rangers use divine magic for spell casting, but for the most part in a form where the spellcasting is more in the form of an inert skill and knowledge of nature than an actual call upon a gods favor.   Many ranger spells will therefore be reflavored to be skilled uses of nature-craft, which channels the magical energies of one of the nature gods. The ranger will not be fully aware of the magical properties of these abilities. For the ranger spells where this isn't possible, they will be unavailable to the ranger in the first parts of the setting, until the ranger have re-acquainted themselves with their god and strengthen the connection to that diety. Especially the use of any healing or restoration or similar vein spell will not be possible in the beginning of the campaign and will continue to be fairly limited.   It is possible to play a ranger, but with a reflavoring of the certain ranger spells and a restrictions to certain other spells, especially healing and restoration spells. The restrictions will slowly lift during the campaign.    


  As the primary users of divine magic clerics have become very rare among all playable races in the setting. Those few that may exist are extremely limited in their divine magic and are considered charlatans by most (sometimes even themselves).   In the first parts of the setting, until the cleric have re-acquainted themselves with their god and strengthen the connection to that diety, their use of divine magic will be absent or severly limited. Especially the use of any healing or restoration or similar vein spell will not be possible in the beginning of the campaign and will continue to be fairly limited.   It is possible to play a cleric, but with sever restrictions to the use of magical spells, especially healing and restoration spells. The restrictions will slowly lift during the campaign.    


  As religious figther, paladins fell from favour with the departure of the old gods. They are therefore very rare among all playable races in the setting. Those few that may exist are extremely limited in their divine magic in a similar manor to clerics (see above).   It is possible to play a paladin, but with sever restrictions to the use of magical spells, especially healing and restoration spells. The restrictions will slowly lift during the campaign.    


  Druids have become rare but are still present among almost all playable races, however they tend to live secluded from their societies.   Even though druids are divine casters, because they lived withdrawn from society they did not to the same extend accept the belief that the old gods have left the world. They still see their gods work in the nature around them, but are distrubed and worries by the very limited scope of this. However their connection to the gods have wained together with the lack of belief in the gods in the general public. Druids are therefore also quite restricted in the use of divine magic - somewhat similar to the rangers - but without the reflavoring.   It is possible to play a druid, but with some restrictions to the use of magical spells, especially healing and restoration spells. The restrictions will slowly lift during the campaign.    


  Wizards are using arcane magic and even though there is a connection to the old gods connected to the three moons of Krynn, the arcane magic have not wained. Wizards a not uncommon among all playable races, but especially the elves and humans. Wizards' magic are affected by the constellation of the moons.   It is possible to play a wizard with some extra rules related to the use of magical spells, see House rules, Magic.    


  Sorcerer are using arcane magic, like Wizards. Sorcerers a not uncommon among all playable races, but especially the elves and humans. Sorcerer's magic are affected by the constellation of the moons and the setting includes a sub-class, Lunar Sorcerer, specific to the setting.   It is possible to play a sorcerer with some extra rules related to the use of magical spells, see House rules, Magic.    


  Warlocks are percieved to be users of arcane magic, but are infact following the rules of divine magic. Warlocks are rare among all playable races and the available patrons are limited to some that can make sense in the setting.   The magic of the Warlock is dependent on the favour of their patron, as the clerics use of magic is dependent on the favour of their diety. The favour of the patron cannot be assumed and must be continuously maintained by deeds and sacrifices that are aligned with the purpose of the patron or as agreed in the pact between the warlock and the patron.   It is possible to play a warlock, but with some restrictions to the use of spells and expect real consequences from the pact with the patron of the warlock.    


  Bards are common among all playable races. Their use of magic is a mix of arcance and divine magic in a way that is not always completely obvious to the bard. Some bards are closer connected to the wizardry approach, while others are closer connected to a devotion to a diety and yet others have an approach to divine magic that is less aware similar to the rangers use of magic.   It is possible to play a bard, but depending on the bard it will use arcane or divine magic type for all or some of its spells. For the arcane magic use it comes with the same changes as wizards and sorcerer, while divine magic use somes with the same limitations and restrictions as clerics and paladins.    


  Artificers are only present among the gnomes races. Their use of magic is a mix of the arcane magic and item magic. The magic involved in tinkering is fundamentally arcane magic, but reflavoured the be channeled as a craft, similar to how some ranger magic work.   It is possible to play a Artificer, but only as a gnome and with some extra rules related to the use of magical spells, see House rules, Magic.
The TL;DR ...
  • Barbarian: available to certain races
  • Fighter: available to all
  • Rogue: available to all
  • Monk: unlikely
  • Ranger: available, but reflavored
  • Cleric: available, but with limitations
  • Paladin: available, but with limitations
  • Druid: available, but with limitations
  • Wizard: available, but with special rules
  • Sorcerer: available, but with special rules
  • Warlock: available, but with consequences
  • Bard: available, but with special rules and limitations
  • Artificer: available, but only to tinker (rock) gnome


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