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Iggy Koopa

The Happy One Iggy Koopa (a.k.a. Lelijk)

Ik heb nooit mijn ouders gekend. Volgens de vrouw van het weeshuis hebben ze me daar toen ik nog een baby was achtergelaten, omdat ze niet voor me konden zorgen. De hond van de vrouw van het weeshuis noemde jojo's dus heeft ze me die naam gegeven. Ik ben tot mijn 10 jaar in het weeshuis gebleven en heb dan besloten mijn eigen weg te gaan. ik heb sinds dien op de straten geleefd. Gelukkig had ik wel een vriend genaamd Garry. Garry was een paratroopa. Hij heeft me alle tricks in the book geleerd over hoe ik op straat kon leven. Maar op mijn 15de verjaardag is hij verdwenen. Ik had besloten 15 te blijven tot ik hem terug vond, maar met nog geen succes, ik ben nu al bijna 4 jaar aan het zoeken.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

bulcky koopa

Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics


Physical quirks


Special abilities

koopa breath weapon and spiked shield

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



street and orphanage


Iggy Koopa

bro from an other egg

Towards Garry koopa


Garry koopa

bro from an other egg (Vital)

Towards Iggy Koopa



vriendelijk, moedig, respectvol, sociaal, blij, behulpaam, beschermend respect voor iedereen je moet voor elkaar zorgen want niemand anders zal het doen

View Character Profile
15 (19) yr
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
The islands of nintweindwoo
Garry koopa (bro from an other egg)
4"5 medium
Quotes & Catchphrases
Have u seen a koopa named garry?
Aligned Organization


"At first I found their song and dance to be rather cute, entertaining even. That was until I realized what they were doing... they didn't seem to realize it either until the large one came. Around me was the large cage and I couldn't flee... Just don't forget me" ~Mario
A group of happy-go-lucky turtle-like beings, their shells change in color with each representing years of experience and ranking among one another. They're known for being nigh impenetrable thanks to their shells and one could consider them well-rounded in most regards.  

Koopa Names

Male: Kuzzle, Bowser, Larry, Morton, Iggy, Roy, garry   Female: Wendy
ability score increase: +1 Dex, +1 Con
age: The Koopa species reach maturity around age 16 and can live up into a few hundred years of age. The eldest of which came close to three-hundred years of age.
alignment: The Koopa themselves don't seem to be evil themselves, however, the king is usually evil. Those under his control are considered lawful evil, however, most are free spirits and instead identify however they've decided to live their lives.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.
sub races:

Koopa Troopa

ability score increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Size: Tiny
parent race: ]

race features:

Retreat to Shell

. Using your action you can pull back into your shell. Gaining resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from a non-magical source along with increasing your AC by 1. In this state, your speed is 0, unless certain circumstances apply, and you are unable to use another action until coming out of your shell.

Shell Slide

. After any movement you can choose to retreat into your shell and spin towards a given direction. If you collide with an enemy you deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and they have to make a DC 14 strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Size: Tiny
parent race: ]

race features:


. You now have wings, gifting you 35 feet of flying speed.

Dive Bomb

. Retreating to your shell you come down to the earth from the air, the enemy must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.

Eagle Eyes

. Due to your extended time watching from a distance you have a +3 to all perception rolls involving sight.

Koopa Kid

ability score increase: Your Strength score increase by 1.
Size: Tiny
parent race: ]

race features:

Spiked Shell.

If an Enemies attacks you can make a reaction, causing them to take 1d4 piercing damage.

Breath Weapon.

Due to the great Koopa himself you have been granted a breath weapon. You can produce a 30 feet long, 5 feet wide beam of fire from your mouth. Along with this, you gain resistance to fire damage. The damage on this ability is 2d6 fire damage, at level 6 this becomes 3d6, at level 11 it becomes 4d6, and at level 17 it becomes 5d6. This ability can only be used once per long rest, however, the resistance remains indefinitely. Enemies must make a DC 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Naturally Mischievous

. Due to your conniving nature, you are proficient in the Deception skill.

race features:

Shelled Armor

. Due to your shell you have an unarmored defense. Your AC is 10 + Constitution modifier rather then your Dexterity modifier.


. Due to your cheery attitude you are proficient in the Performance skill.
The Koopa can be described quite easily, They are a turtle-like race with a typically cartooney attitude. More often than not they'll be the host of yellow skin and an array of shell colors, ranging from green to blue or even red. Despite their oddities, they are rather stout and can hold their own against another giving them a rather surprising amount of strength.


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