Kannalight Settlement in Kulundo | World Anvil
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the town of Kannalight. is a town above mango at the coast of the green sea.


Rich people live in this village. U can see a lot of villas when u are in the city. However it is heavily secured as well and pretty exclusive. But u can get invited by someone within.


This village stand under direct control of the king. However there is a council named the bright council which runs the village on other matters and in crisises.


High, electrical fences everywhere run by the castle of defence.


There is bazaar and many gardens to be found within the village


few markets


Years ago this town used to be a small set of stones. All gathered in a circle, used to fullfill a certain ritual by the Kings of Mango. Eventually King Skaan decided to build a village around the location using the techniques of free real estate. The nobels that moved in started to argue about how the village should be run. But this all ended when King Weed put the village back under control of the king.

Points of interest

Lighttower, Bazaar, Gardens and ancient ruines.


  • City map of Kannalight


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