A Meeting Atop the Tower of Air Report

General Summary

Our heroes raced up the tower to meet the villains opening the portals to the Elemental Plane of Air, and on the way, were greeted by one of the Elemental Guardians, a fish, named Breezy. OP was able to please the guardian, and it merged with him, making him light as a feather, before the party emerged atop the tower.   There, they met with the Valthuevan, Shaze. She and Elamen conversed at length about the journey so far, and Shaze's hand in the events that have occured, and after much discussion, came to an understanding: that Shaze could not, or would not change her course in attempting to open the rest of the elemental portals at the towers, but that she did not wish to engage in combat with the heroes at this time. With some convincing, they agreed, and as the ritual came to be complete, Shaze departed to her next destination, but not before revealing that Harper and Rhoz had headed to the town of Havenbrook, with Derrick in tow.   Leaving the tower, the party was accosted by a weather-worn group of brigands, all adorned with the crest of Timber's Bend, having finally caught up to the group after months of pursuit. The conversation was short, before combat started, and after a hard fight, some of the bandits managed to escape into the oncoming blizzard, with Nishio captured.   Now, the party must decide: will they pursue Nishio and his captors, or will they continue immediately on toward Havenbrook in hopes of catching up to the Valthuevan party?

Rewards Granted

Level 5!
Kyrælm Campaign
Elamen Jabberkinsies
Level 1 Bard.
16 / 16
Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss
Level .
Toryn Arras
Report Date
30 Sep 2023
Primary Location
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