
Along the southern edge of Thiolor, coldharbour sits netsled among the glacial cliffs, surrounded by snowy tundra. Its study stone structure is made to withstand the harshest of environments. The massive harbor, often partially frozen, welcomes ships seeking refuge from the bitter cold.

Guilds and Factions

Ice Shaper's Guild:
  Coldharbour's most skilled artisans come together as part of this guild, which specializes in the creation of the sculptures foung in the gardens.  
Northern Trappers' Alliance:
  Monster hunters and trappers form the alliance, providing essential resources for the city. They gather food, furs and rare plants that grow out on the tundra, essential for survival in the harsh north.  
Aurora Navigators' Society:
  Mostly sailors, but some land navigators join the society to share collective knowledge about sailing the sea, and navigating across the open ice fields. This collection of knowledge helps locals ensure safe passage through the icy channels around Coldharbour.

Points of interest

Whalebone Docks:
Coldharbours docks are constructed from the enormous bones of various sea creatures, primarily the whales that inhabit the northern seas.  
Northern Market Square:
The Northern Market Square comes alive with activity despite the cold. While trade is less common in Thiolor due to the hostile environment, traders and merchants gather here to exchange goods.  
Aurora Watchtowers:
Watchtowers stations with Thiolor's Aurora Knights are placed around the city to provide an overlook of the city. These towers also act as beacons for ships sailing in the night, pointing lost travellers toward the city,   Ice Sculpture Gardens: Many of Coldharbour's residents are skilled ice sculptors, and the city boasts gardens filled with intricate frozen sculptures. These sculptures capture the beauty of the northern wildlife and are illuminated at night.
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