Across the North Sea Report

General Summary

Our heroes finally venture out across the North Sea. No sooner than they have left harbor, they pass another incoming vessel, battered and barely floating, with a crew clearly traumatized.   In the beginning, travel was easy - calm, even, but as the ship reached the halfway point between Sravine and Coldharbour, something began to feel amiss. Though, as the stars told it, the ship was only halfway to its destination, there appeared on the horizon, a lighthouse, in a place where no lighthouse should be.   The ship approached with caution, and the party called to the captain to ready the crew, having a growing sense of dread and the unnatural occurance. In the mist of night, as the light circled, they came to see that the light illuminated not a lighthouse, but the hulking figure of a creature perched atop the calm sea, long tentacles somehow holding it just above the water. As the light from the creature's mouth fell onto the ship, all went silent. Not even the creatures descent into the sea made a noise.   And then all hell broke loose. Long, lashing tentacles rose up around the ship, holding it in place, moving as though they had minds of their own, while the creature's body clawed its way up the side of thie ship. They quickly discovered its scales to be hard as stone, and found themselves fighting inside an inky fog.   The ship's hull cracked as the tentacles tightened around it, the party and ship's crew fought hard until, after what felt lige an age of combat, the Son of the North Sea retreated intot he deep - wounded.   The party arrived days later in Coldharbour, the ship limping in enough to begin repairs. The party explored the city, only lightly inhabited, before making the trek across the tundra to Everwinter, the capital of Thiolor. They spent some time at the local observatory, and strangely, saw that no village was visible where they expected to find the village of Prox, their next destination. Their guide assured them that all would be well; however, and they began making preparations for one last walk across the tundra.
Kyrælm Campaign
Elamen Jabberkinsies
Level 1 Bard.
16 / 16
Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss
Level .
Toryn Arras
Report Date
13 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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