Dinner With the Jabberkinsies Report

General Summary

Our heroes finally get a break from all the action, and take a few weeks to settle while waiting for the next tower to awaken in the deserts of Prasodd. They spend the time with their families (or in OP's case, the Jabberkinsies), and during dinner one night, discover that there is a Valthuevan among them! Her Jabberkinsie name is Aria, and the party spends some time becoming acquainted with her, learning what they can of Valthuevan life and culture, and her own recent history, before she came to join the Jabberkinsie clan.   They trek back up to the mountain where their journey first began, and discover several of the Elemental Guardians within the mountain: Skye, an Air Guardian, Lumina, a Light Guardian, Cobble, an Earth Guardian, and Bayle, a Fire Guardian. They greet each other briefly before asking about Divrog, who reveals himself to check in with the heroes, revealing that their world is in more danger than ever, with two of the seven elemental watchtowers lit.   The party returns home for a few weeks, and finally, make their way toward the Elemental Watchtower of fire, but stop along the way in the village of Irondale, to deliver the smith Svudgjandr home. He gives them a brief tour of the town, where they receive a heroes' welcome, having delivered the smith, and they're even offered a free night at the local inn.

Character(s) interacted with

The Jabberkinsie Clan
Aria, Valthuevan and newly adopted Jabberkinsie
Kyrælm Campaign
Elamen Jabberkinsies
Level 1 Bard.
16 / 16
Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss
Level .
Toryn Arras
Report Date
11 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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