Face {Un}death Report

General Summary

The party finishes resupplying atthe First Bulwark, before boarding the Littlewolf once more and heading out north to the city of Chamsport. Inside, the party sees a small group of survivors staying to the rooftops to navigate the city safely in the distance, and decides to sneak their way over to their tower base, hoping to make contact with some people still alive in the city. They face a number of undead, and a few harrowing encounters later, have their first meeting with Shalice Yarrowtongue, the leader of a survivor faction trying to stage an escape from Chamsport to Ceford. The party asks for shelter, and agrees to abide by the terms of a temporary quarantine during the first days of the stay. Then, some members of the chuch of Chelau, the god of pain, destruction and trickery confronted Shalice's suvivor group, offering them three days to surrender of die, explaining that eh undead attack was a form of judgement, and that the undead wouldn't leave until all who were destined to die were duly punished. The party makes the swift decision to leave the tower, and to make a preemptive strike, and take out the messenging party before they can return to the temple at the center of the city.

Rewards Granted

All: 120 Vosssk: +30 Elamen: +30 Toryn:+30
Kyrælm Campaign
Elamen Jabberkinsies
Level 1 Bard.
16 / 16
Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss
Level .
Toryn Arras
Report Date
28 May 2023


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