
Krythe, (Maiden of the Hearth, The Morning)
Alignment: CN
Areas of Concern: childbirth, fertility, new beginnings
Follower Alignments: CG, CN, N
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: Charisma or Constitution
Divine Font: Heal
Divine Skill: Medicine
Favored Weapon: Hammer
Cleric Spells: 1st: Charm, 2nd: Cozy Cabin, 4th: Creation   Krythe is one of the most widely observed deities in Kyraelm by virtue of her association with the areas of life, family and creation. She is goddess of the morning, new beginnings, childbirth. She is often to thanked when a mother completes an easy labor, or a downtrodden individual gets a new lease on life. Many of her followers act as nursemaids and midwives, and offer rewards to those willing to act as surrogate parents. People look to her as an example of great kindness and forgiveness, with new beginnings being associated with atonement. They pray to her to protect mothers and their children, and to bring home their loved ones that have travelled far down dark paths. Her followers do their utmost to lead others to be their best, and especially to lift up the downtrodden to begin anew.   Her Primary Servant are called Narratives

Divine Domains

Domains: Change, Creation, Family, Passion   Alternate Domains: stars

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A shining sun rising over a hill behind a cradle

Tenets of Faith

Edicts: promote life and growth, foster change, aid childbirths   Anathema: harm a child or pregnant woman, or allow them to be harmed through inaction, offer false hope
Divine Classification

Articles under Krythe

Character Portrait image: by Matilda Fiship


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