
Narratives are servitors of Krythe. A narrative comes into being the moment a child is concieved, and is responsible for ensuring that no ills befall the mother, so long as she is pregnant, and the same for the child until they are old enough to be held accountable for their own actions, and the consequences thereof. The existence of Narratives in the world is believed to be the reason that it is so rare that mortal harm comes to pregnant women before childbirth, or to children before they are responsible for themselves. Stories abound of children being lost in the woods, only to be found days later, healthy and unharmed, or those kidnapped by wild goblins, only to be saved by a wayward band of adventurers. Events like these are often credited to Krythe's Narratives.   On the rare occasion that they can be seen, Narratives take on mostly humanoid forms. They appear as a figure clad in robes made from myriad pages, with folded paper hands and open books in place of a head.


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