Prologue: Into the Hidden Temple Report

General Summary

The party ventures deep (Or...high?) into the hidden passage within Galtar's cordoned off temple of Halane, climbing far up the inside of Mt. Samekh, along the way, they encounter some deadly traps, and spectral visions of the past, showing a group of Valthuevan warriors making their way into the temple, and the losses they experienced along the way. Climbing towards the outside of the mountain, they find they're able to see out over the lands beyond the village, to the oceans at the edge of the country and the capital city of Sravine. Near the top, they find the doors into the innermost chambers of the temple, where a mirror acts as a portal into yet another hidden chamber. Here, our protagonists encounter several animated skeletal remains of the warriors who still had intact skeletons, and after a hard-fought battle, take the time to patch themselves up, before solving the mirror's riddle, moving into the artifact chamber within the center of the mountain.   Here, we find an enormous chamber, where several points of light illuminate obelisks at points around the chamber, holding stars formed from the crystallized essence of the world's seven elements. Under advisement from their mentor, the party begins to retrieve these stars, but finds that, while they were making this trip, Derrick and Bruz have been captured by Asaag, Shaze, and a pair of new individuals, new, yet somehow familiar.   With few other options available, we surrender the stars to the antagonists, but as the last star is retrieved from its obelisk, a change overtakes the chamber. The temperature rises, and the peak of the mountain collapses, falling toward the central platform.   Shaze, Asaag and their companions leave through the portal, taking Derrick and Bruz with them, just before the peak of the mountain comes down upon the portal. As the ground begins to crack, and molten earth begins to pour forth from beneath, a dragon tears itself free from below, and surveys the party with curiosity. It takes time to converse with them, introducing itself as Dyvrog, Talon of Divran, before relaying the party safely into the presence of their families and the village's elders, who they find discussing the ongoing earthquake, and the possibility of the mountain erupting.

Rewards Granted

Vosssk: 200 XP (Total XP: 300) Enoch: 180 XP (Total XP: 290) Teneki: 185 XP (Total XP: 295) Elamen: 180 XP (Total XP: 290) Toryn: 190 XP (Total XP: 300)   Arrow carved from antler, unidentified x1 Silver Longsword (low-grade) x1
Kyrælm Campaign
Elamen Jabberkinsies
Level 1 Bard.
16 / 16
Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss
Level .
Toryn Arras
Report Date
21 Jan 2023
Primary Location

Cover image: Samyaza by Aster Clarke


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