Returning to Timber's Bend Report

General Summary

Our heroes return to the town of Timber's bend in pursuit of Nishio's captors, and find the town every bit as desperate as their last visit. Heading to the local priest, they try to make a plan to break their friend out, but they're able to discern that the priest isn't being truthful with them, and that Duke Johann has laid a trap for the heroes. Knowing this, they make their way in through to the back entrance to the dungeon, where an ambush had been readied! They're able to fend off the ambushers, and head straight for the castle's central courtyard, where they find Nishio bound atop a ready-made pyre. The Duke addresses the party from a balcony overlooking the courtyard, with his henchman Suldur (AKA The Tax Collector) at his side. He invites everyone to sit down for dinner, and they grudgingly accept, with the Exception of Elamen, who instead offers to perform storytelling during dinner.   Three courses and a toast later, the duke thanks the party for attending his dinner, orders the staff to release Nishio, and tells the party that they're free to go. The party notices that Suldur in enraged at the party's release, and they overhear Suldur demanding that he be released to execute the party. When the Duke declines, voicing that Suldur follows his orders, he snaps, killing the duke, and throwing his body into the courtyard, just as a horn sounds outside the city, signaling the return of Duke Rykard, Johann's older brother. The party retrieves Johann's crown, and after a short dialogue with Suldur, escape the castle, pursued by a mysterious hound with the power to teleport through the walls.   Our heroes escape the town along with some refugees from the dungeon, and head for Duke Rykard's military camp, and bring the news of Johann's death to Rykard. He appears to be very understanding, knowing what his brother had done to Timber's Bend in his absence.   The following day, Duke Rykard moves to occupy Timber's Bend, and after a short battle, frees the town from the grip of Johann's remaining men. With the town safe and returnign to normal, the party makes way towards their hometown, along with one of the prisoners from Timber's Bend, who turned out to be a smith from the nearby town of Irondale. They arrive during the height of the Mid-year Festival, and have decided to take a few days to rest and recuperate from the last few months of adventuring, before they head out again to make their way to Prasodd, where they will go on the hunt for the Elemental Tower of Fire, for what may be their final encounter with the Valthuevan duo.
Kyrælm Campaign
Elamen Jabberkinsies
Level 1 Bard.
16 / 16
Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss
Level .
Toryn Arras
Report Date
26 Nov 2023


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