Returning to Timber's Bend

Outside the Tower of Air, Suldur's mercenaries confronted our heroes, and diring the ensuing fight, managed to make off with Nishio! How will they get him back?



Previous session plus travel from Lorukh to Timber's Bend

Rising Action

Making their way back into Timber's Bend - the party will have to decide how to approach, through stealth, diplomacy or disguise?

Where is Hawke and his band of mercenaries?

The priest of the temple offers to take them to Nishio, but is actually working for the Duke, who has threatened to burn down his church, if he doesn't bring the party to him. - If they take his help, he'll lead them through a 'secret' passage into the area of the dungeons, but when they're finally getting close, they lead the party into a trap! (Climax battle)

Does the party face off with Suldur directly?


Facing off with the Duke's Guard (Breaking in or escaping?)

1 Watch Captain
2 Archer Sentries
7 Guards

Falling Action

Escaping Timber's Bend, escaping into the sunset, etc.

Suldur kills the Duke? - If the duke witnesses the heroes escape, he berates Suldur, who kills him in a rage - what becomes of Timber's bend then?
Parent Plot


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