
Thrumgol is a mountain citadel, ingeniously designed to withstand the harsh conditions of The Rush. The city is built into the natural contours of the mountains, with stone structures blending seamlessly into the snowy terrain.


In Thrumgol, the orcish city nestled within the snowy mountains of The Rush, the governance follows a tribal-style system that reflects the ancestral traditions and close-knit community of the orcs.
Clan Council:
The Clan Council serves as the primary governing body of Thrumgol, representing the different orcish clans that reside within the city. Each clan has a representative on the council, usually a respected elder or a prominent member chosen by the clan. The Clan Council gathers in a sacred meeting place to discuss matters of importance, make decisions, and resolve conflicts. They honor the wisdom of the ancestors, adhering to the traditions and customs passed down through generations.
Spiritweaver Elders:
The Spiritweaver Elders are revered individuals who possess a deep connection with the spiritual realm and the mountain spirits. They serve as spiritual guides and advisors to the Clan Council, offering insights and guidance on matters relating to rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual well-being. The Spiritweaver Elders also interpret signs and omens from nature, ensuring harmony between the orcish community and the mystical forces of The Rush.
Hunter's Assembly:
The Hunter's Assembly consists of skilled hunters, trackers, and scouts who are responsible for ensuring the city's survival and protection. They possess intimate knowledge of the mountains, its wildlife, and the resources it provides. The Hunter's Assembly not only ensures a steady supply of food but also acts as a defense force, safeguarding Thrumgol from external threats. They work closely with the Clan Council and provide valuable insights on matters related to the city's sustenance and security.
Storyteller's Circle:
The Storyteller's Circle comprises talented storytellers, bards, and historians who preserve the orcish traditions, folklore, and history. They play a crucial role in passing down oral traditions, recounting heroic sagas, and keeping the collective memory of the orcish community alive. The Storyteller's Circle gathers in designated storytelling spaces, captivating audiences with tales of valor, wisdom, and ancestral heritage. They ensure the cultural identity and unity of Thrumgol by fostering a sense of pride and kinship among the orcs.
Sacred Forge Guardians:
The Sacred Forge Guardians are skilled blacksmiths, artisans, and craftsmen who are entrusted with the sacred duty of preserving the ancestral forging techniques and creating vital tools, weapons, and artifacts for the orcish community. They hold deep knowledge of metallurgy and employ magical practices passed down from their predecessors. The Sacred Forge Guardians work closely with the Clan Council and the Hunter's Assembly, providing essential resources and crafting items necessary for the city's survival.


Natural Barriers:
The surrounding mountainous terrain of The Rush acts as a natural defense for Thrumgol. The treacherous peaks, deep ravines, and rugged cliffs make it challenging for adversaries to approach the city from certain directions. The natural barriers provide a level of protection, as they require careful navigation and knowledge of the terrain to traverse.
Stone Walls and Fortifications:
Thrumgol is encircled by formidable stone walls and fortified structures. These defensive barriers protect the city against potential threats, serving as a physical deterrent and helping to control access to Thrumgol. The walls are built with sturdy materials such as granite, reinforced timber, and fortified stone, ensuring their resilience against external forces.
Guard Posts and Lookouts:
Strategic guard posts and lookout towers are scattered throughout Thrumgol, offering vantage points for surveillance and early warning of approaching dangers. Skilled sentries and scouts man these lookout points, surveying the surrounding mountainous terrain and communicating any potential threats to the city's defenders. These guard posts serve as the first line of defense and help maintain vigilance against external intrusions.
Hunter's Assembly:
The orcish Hunter's Assembly plays a crucial role in Thrumgol's defense. Skilled hunters, trackers, and scouts within this organization have an intimate knowledge of the mountains, wildlife, and potential threats. They conduct regular patrols, monitor the outskirts of the city, and provide an early warning system against hostile forces or dangerous creatures that may approach Thrumgol.
Militia and Training:
Thrumgol maintains a trained militia composed of able-bodied orcish individuals who undergo combat training and defense drills. The orcish inhabitants are taught basic self-defense techniques and the use of traditional orcish weaponry, fostering a sense of collective responsibility for the city's security. The militia stands ready to mobilize in times of need, protecting the city and its inhabitants against any direct threats.
Unity and Community Defense:
The orcish community in Thrumgol operates on a strong sense of unity and communal defense. In times of crisis, the entire community rallies together, forming a united front to protect their city. The spirit of cooperation and kinship empowers the orcish inhabitants to stand as a formidable force against any adversaries, fostering a sense of strength and resilience within Thrumgol.
The Frostguard:
The Frostguard represents the pinnacle of orcish military prowess, demonstrating exceptional combat skills, tactical expertise, and unwavering loyalty to the defense of Thrumgol.


In Thrumgol, the orcish city nestled within the snowy mountains of The Rush, the infrastructure reflects a more technologically primitive but resourceful approach. While the orcs embrace a simpler way of life, they have developed essential infrastructure to meet their needs within the challenging mountain environment.
Stone Architecture:
The buildings and structures in Thrumgol are predominantly crafted from locally sourced stone, reflecting the orcs' practicality and their ability to work with the natural resources at hand. The stone architecture is sturdy and built to withstand the harsh conditions of The Rush, providing shelter and protection against the elements. Stone structures blend harmoniously with the mountain landscape, creating a seamless integration between the city and its surroundings.
Mountain Pathways:
Thrumgol's infrastructure includes a network of well-worn mountain pathways that connect different parts of the city and extend into the surrounding mountains. These pathways, often carved into the rock or marked by ancient orcish symbols, serve as the primary means of transportation throughout the city. Orcs traverse these winding pathways on foot or with the aid of surefooted pack animals, navigating the rugged terrain with skill and familiarity.
Natural Springs and Aqueducts:
Thrumgol relies on natural springs and snowmelt as sources of fresh water. The orcs have ingeniously designed aqueducts and channels to collect and distribute water throughout the city. Using gravity and carefully constructed channels, they direct the water flow from higher elevations to lower-lying areas, ensuring a steady supply for drinking, bathing, and other daily needs. Orcish craftsmanship is evident in the aqueducts' simplicity and efficiency.
Central Hearth Halls:
Central Hearth Halls serve as gathering places for the orcish community, where warmth, sustenance, and camaraderie are shared. These large communal structures are centered around grand hearths, where roaring fires provide warmth and act as focal points for social interactions. Central Hearth Halls are the heart of the city, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity among the orcish inhabitants.
Stone Forges:
Stone forges are integral to Thrumgol's infrastructure, serving as the workshops where orcish blacksmiths and craftsmen ply their trades. These forges are located near natural vents or heat sources, allowing for the efficient heating and shaping of metal. Orcish artisans create weapons, tools, and intricate metalwork, incorporating both practicality and artistic flair into their craftsmanship. The stone forges also serve as places of communal learning and the passing down of traditional skills.
Ice-Carved Storage Caverns:
In the depths of The Rush, Thrumgol utilizes natural ice-carved caverns as storage spaces for food, supplies, and resources. The cold and stable temperatures within these caverns help preserve perishable goods, while the natural ice formations provide additional insulation. Orcs have developed methods to carefully manage and organize these caverns, ensuring easy access and efficient storage.


The Hearthkeep District is the central hub of Thrumgol, where the city's communal spaces, marketplaces, and gathering areas are located. This district is characterized by its grand central hearth hall, where the orcish community comes together to share warmth, stories, and festivities. The Hearthkeep District is the beating heart of Thrumgol, fostering a strong sense of community and providing a space for daily interactions and social exchanges.
The Stonegate District serves as the entrance and primary checkpoint of Thrumgol. This district is fortified with sturdy stone walls and gates that guard against external threats and help control access to the city. The Stonegate District also houses the barracks for the city's defenders and serves as a meeting point for patrols and expeditions into the treacherous mountain terrain surrounding Thrumgol.
The Frostweave District is known for its artisans and craftsmen, particularly those skilled in working with ice and snow. This district is home to ice-carving workshops, where intricate sculptures and frost motifs are created, showcasing the orcish artistic talent and celebrating the natural beauty of the snowy landscape. The Frostweave District also houses the homes and studios of skilled ice carvers, who contribute to the city's cultural expression.
Mountain's Veil:
The Mountain's Veil District encompasses the residential areas of Thrumgol. The orcish dwellings are scattered amidst the rocky outcrops and nestled against the mountainside. The district is designed to maximize warmth and insulation, with homes built from stone and wood, often featuring thatched roofs and small courtyards. The Mountain's Veil District exudes a sense of unity with the mountains, blending harmoniously with the natural environment.
Icefall Market:
The Icefall Market District is where the bustling commerce of Thrumgol takes place. It is a lively area with stalls and marketplaces offering a variety of goods and provisions. Orcish traders and artisans gather here to exchange resources, trade wares, and barter for essentials. The Icefall Market District is a vibrant and bustling center of economic activity, reflecting the resourcefulness and self-sufficiency of the orcish community.
The Spiritwatch District is a tranquil and sacred area of Thrumgol dedicated to spiritual practices and rituals. It houses shrines, meditation spaces, and areas for communing with the mountain spirits. Orcish shamans and spiritual leaders often reside in this district, offering guidance and conducting ceremonies that honor the ancestral connections to the mountains and seek blessings for the community.

Guilds and Factions

Ironfist Clan:
The Ironfist Clan is a renowned guild of blacksmiths and metalworkers in Thrumgol. They specialize in forging orcish-forged steel, crafting weapons, armor, and other metal goods. The Ironfist Clan's members are highly skilled in metallurgy, working with the tough materials found in The Rush, and producing exceptional orcish weaponry that is sought after throughout the orcish lands.
The Frostweavers are a faction of orcish shamans and mystics who harness the power of the elements, particularly the icy forces associated with the snowy mountains of The Rush. They delve into ancient rituals, communicate with ancestral spirits, and utilize their magical abilities to commune with the natural world. The Frostweavers provide spiritual guidance, healing, and protection to the orcish community, acting as advisers and guardians.
Mountain Wardens:
The Mountain Wardens are a faction of orcish rangers and scouts who specialize in navigating the treacherous terrain of The Rush and patrolling its outskirts. They serve as the eyes and ears of Thrumgol, monitoring for potential threats, tracking wildlife, and providing valuable information about the mountainous environment. The Mountain Wardens also act as guides for travelers and assist in search and rescue operations.
The Frostpaws are a guild of hunters and trappers who operate in The Rush. They possess a deep knowledge of the wildlife that inhabits the mountains and employ their skills in tracking, trapping, and hunting to provide sustenance and valuable resources for Thrumgol. The Frostpaws are skilled in capturing exotic creatures, collecting pelts, and procuring other animal products that can be used for trade or crafting.
The Stormbreakers are a faction of orcish warriors who specialize in defensive and siege tactics. They are responsible for fortification and defense strategies, ensuring the city's preparedness against external threats. The Stormbreakers train in shield formations, fortification construction, and urban warfare, honing their skills to protect Thrumgol from potential invaders or attacks.
Frostsong Bards:
The Frostsong Bards are a guild of musicians, storytellers, and poets who celebrate the orcish heritage through their arts. They preserve the history, legends, and cultural traditions of the orcish people, passing them down through generations. The Frostsong Bards entertain the community with their performances, foster a sense of unity, and strengthen the orcish identity through their enchanting melodies and captivating tales.

Points of interest

Frostfall Caverns:
Located a short distance from Thrumgol, the Frostfall Caverns are a network of expansive ice caves carved into the mountainside. These awe-inspiring caverns are adorned with glistening icicles, shimmering frozen formations, and hidden chambers. The Frostfall Caverns hold a mystical allure and are often explored by adventurers and those seeking solitude or seeking to harness the power of the icy elements.
Thunderpeak Summit:
Thunderpeak Summit is the highest peak in The Rush, standing majestically above the surrounding mountains. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the entire region, showcasing the rugged beauty of the snowy landscape. The summit is often visited by climbers, wanderers, and spiritual seekers, drawn by the awe-inspiring vistas and the sense of tranquility that pervades the lofty heights.
Clan Stonehammer's Forge:
Clan Stonehammer's Forge is a renowned orcish blacksmithing forge situated on the outskirts of Thrumgol. This ancient forge has been passed down through generations and is known for producing exceptional orcish-forged steel weapons and armor. Visitors can witness the meticulous craftsmanship of the skilled blacksmiths and even commission customized weapons or armor.
Frostfang Falls:
Frostfang Falls is a magnificent waterfall cascading down a steep cliffside, its waters perpetually glistening with a frosty touch. The falls are surrounded by lush vegetation, creating a stark contrast against the icy backdrop. It is believed that the mist generated by Frostfang Falls possesses mystical properties, and some seekers of magical knowledge venture there to harness the latent power.
The Abandoned Watchtower:
The Abandoned Watchtower is a crumbling stone tower located on the outskirts of Thrumgol. Once a strategic outpost for defending against external threats, it now stands as a relic of the past. Adventurers and historians are drawn to the tower, exploring its ancient corridors, deciphering forgotten inscriptions, and unearthing tales of battles fought long ago.
Frostfire Springs:
Nestled amidst the snowy mountains near Thrumgol, the Frostfire Springs offer a soothing respite from the cold. These naturally heated pools are renowned for their therapeutic properties, providing relaxation, rejuvenation, and relief to weary travelers and locals alike. The contrast of the warm waters against the icy surroundings makes the Frostfire Springs a cherished retreat.


Stronghold Design:
Thrumgol is designed as a fortified stronghold, with sturdy stone walls and defensive structures that blend seamlessly with the natural contours of the mountains. The architecture prioritizes defense and resilience, incorporating strategic placement of towers, ramparts, and fortified gates. The city's layout often follows the natural terrain, utilizing slopes and cliffs to enhance its defensive capabilities.
Stone and Timber Construction:
The primary building materials in Thrumgol's architecture are stone and timber, reflecting the availability of these resources in the mountainous region. The structures are crafted from solid stone, using locally sourced granite or other durable stone types. Timber is used for support beams, roofing, and decorative elements, often sourced from the surrounding forests. The combination of stone and timber provides a sturdy yet warm aesthetic.
Orcish Motifs and Carvings:
Orcish motifs and carvings are prevalent throughout Thrumgol's architecture, serving as a reflection of the orcish culture and craftsmanship. Intricate carvings and engravings depicting orcish symbols, clan emblems, and ancestral figures adorn the facades of buildings, gateways, and pillars. These artistic embellishments highlight the city's cultural heritage and pride.
Towering Structures:
Given the mountainous setting, Thrumgol's architecture features towering structures that seem to blend with the surrounding peaks. Towering spires, watchtowers, and bell towers rise above the cityscape, offering commanding views of the surrounding landscape and serving as landmarks within the city.
Snow-Resistant Design:
Thrumgol's architecture incorporates design elements to withstand heavy snowfall and cold temperatures. Sloping roofs with steep angles facilitate the shedding of snow, preventing the accumulation of heavy loads. Eaves extend over windows and doorways, providing shelter from snow and ice, while still allowing light to enter. Chimneys and smoke vents are designed to efficiently manage the release of smoke from fires and heating systems.
Interior Warmth and Coziness:
To combat the harsh cold, the interiors of buildings in Thrumgol are designed to be warm and inviting. Fireplaces, hearths, and braziers are common features, providing both heat and a sense of comfort. The interiors often showcase orcish textiles, warm colors, and sturdy furniture crafted from timber, creating a cozy atmosphere.

Alternative Name(s)
The Heart of Frost
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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