While Yaslon historically referred to only the landmass Northeast of the Dry Between, it has come to include these deserts as well as the Golden Gulf, making it one of the three major divisions of the Kyrian supercontinent.
Yaslon contains both temperate and tropical climates, mostly of deserts. The Northern landmass is dominated mostly by serengeti save for the Northernmost coast, which gradually becomes rainforest. The archipelago of islands to the East are also hot, humid, and forested.
Going South, the weather gets cooler. Going inland, it also gets drier. While the Golden Gulf is known for its lush farmland, the deserts just past the seas are more unforgiving.
Localized Phenomena
While the inner parts of Yaslon are dry and hard to settle in, the coastal regions are also prone to severe hurricanes unlike anywhere else on Kyre.
This region is where the humans and halflings first originated. Humans have since spread to almost every part of the world, but the halflings are still most concentrated around their fields and ancestral deserts. From under the green moon, centaurs trace most of their great migratory paths through the grasslands of this region to rest and meet at sacred hot springs. Their journey after takes them West, back to Ondala.
Before written history began in the region, coastal human tribes who relied on fishing gradually started island hopping Northward until they reached Bralis. Their interactions there with the Dragonborn would spiral into a centuries-long conflict that united the disparate groups of each region against each other. The on-and-off wars only came to an end once the Ereduarn Empire conquered Northern Yaslon with the help of the Dragonborn.
This first period of colonization was short-lived since the Wake occurred only a century later and dissolved the old empire, but the people of North Yaslon weren't out of the woods yet. Their sovereignty wouldn't be widely recognized until the Draconian Empire dwindled as well, with the help of some civil unrest.
Because various parts of Yaslon have always been part of trade routes or subject to wars, it has a very high diversity of cultures from under both moons.