Selor Organization in Kyrn | World Anvil


The Land of the Soaring Spires

"The Spires of Selor are too incredible to describe in words. One must see them to understand what beauty can me wrought with the hands." -- Master Agmir of Ysdale, builder of the Temple at Quara
Selor is known for its vast forested lands, and its incredible architecture. As one of the older elven lands, its people have had a long time to build graceful soaring towers, and palaces, as well as become experts in manufacturing of arms and armor. The people of Selor live quiet, contemplative lives, and while they tolerate the intrusion that the Great Trade Route brings through their lands, they are happiest away from the cities, deep in the woods with just the sound of nature surrounding them.


Countess Kaurr is the maker of all the laws in Selor, but she consults with all the elven elders from the various cities, towns and villages, as well as the important leaders of various guilds and organizations. Her closest advisors are always near at hand in the palace, but she is careful and deliberate in making decisions.


The Elves of Selor are a mix of high elves and wood elves, that mostly enjoy quiet days and nights of peace. The cities on the Great Trade Route have a more mixed and cosmopolitan approach to life, and while the elves tolerate it, they often look down on those who are not leading quiet lives.

Demography and Population


The Baroness has a number of palace guards, and each town has a number of guards, but if a large army is needed then a militia is assembled from all the population.  This means that the people of Selor are held responsible for keeping themselves armed and trained.

Agriculture & Industry

Selor is known for some of the best examples of elven armor, weapons and architecture.

Trade & Transport

Selor sees a lot of trade pass through it's lands, and it benefits from all those goods, and the services it provides to the caravans. Many of the things made by the elves of Selor are sold to these merchants for shipment to far off lands, especially the armor and weapons that is manufactured here.

Forever Green!


  • Selor
Geopolitical, County / March
Leader Title
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Elven armor & weapons.
Judicial Body
The Magistrates of Selor are very slow in their investigations and decision making. They are also quite trusting in that the accused are often allowed to remain free as long as they promise to stay where they can be found.  Sometimes this results in fugitives running from justice, but the magistrates do not seem to be too worried about that, except in the most serious of cases.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization


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