Glorvonith Blithedirge Character in Laegroth | World Anvil
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Glorvonith Blithedirge

Glorvonith Blithedirge (a.k.a. Vonith)

A Pahmet (sand dwarf) expelled from her childhood hold, has pivoted on skills she learned in a death cult to eke out a life as a funerary director. To streamline business processes, Vonith has taken to life of adventure where clients come to her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall (by dwarven standards), broad, pudgy olive-skined dwarf

Facial Features

Untamed ruddy-brown hair, a wispy beard, and deep emerald eyes and a bulbous noes.

Apparel & Accessories

The dwarf black leather gorget covers the lower half of her face, a bronze cone is sown into the gorget over her mouth to project her voice. Beneath the gorget burgundy leather corset stamped with hyroglyphs and closed bronze eyelets. Around her waist black leather kilt studded with bronze. Under this leather the dwarf wears a lily white doublet with black paned sleaves, and laced cuffs. A bronze circlet with a cobra.

Personality Characteristics


A perpetual need to be liked.

Virtues & Personality perks

Vonith is very confident.


Family Ties

Shunned from her family has several siblings she tries to write to, with limited success.

Religious Views

A follower of the Path of the Heavens. Path of the heavens worships the sun, the moon, the stars, and the blackness of the night between them. Each personified by a different god.


Sareen La'grellon of Groth

Friend (Important)

Towards Glorvonith Blithedirge



Glorvonith Blithedirge

Friend (Important)

Towards Sareen La'grellon of Groth


Relationship Reasoning

Sareen has been visiting with Vonith for about 30 years and was one of the primary reasons she left the death cult.

Wealth & Financial state

A modestly successful buisness owner, Vonith operates a mortuary and mausoleum.

A Pahmet (sand dwarf) expelled from her childhood hold, has pivoted on skills she learned in a death cult to eke out a life as a funerary director. To streamline business processes, Vonith has taken to life of adventure where clients come to her.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 3"
140 lb

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Getting into Absolom
11th Rova 4720 AR

Arrived in Absalom for the third time this morning, I always seem to forget how lousy with fallen frigates their docks are, had an old friend Gorn accompanying me for the last leg. It's been a bit of a somber boat ride, the sailors have been to busy to say much, and Gorn, good a lizard as he is, in't much of a conversationalist. But we got to the pier, and got my trunks unloaded and Sareen, creepy little fortune-teller that one, found us at port. Had her man Hulo carry my bags to the Inn, and waited their for the fellows to show up.   Wasn't long before Maldor, and Braxton got into the inn. Apperatly they've taken residence on the other side of Korthos island, and didn't have to sail into that murderous harbor, lucky devils. Chran crawled out of a corner of the bar, but I'm not sure from where, and the big guy, Saliab, is nowhere to be seen, and Seleen and Hulo. We spend a few hours drinking, and enter a story telling contest. I think I read the room poorly and went to high concept, but Maldor, and little Chran both walked away with prizes.


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