Elrich Longwood

Elrich, son of Henrich Longwood would go on to become a paid thief for Hamish. His crew of horse riders served under Hamish as payed-for thieves to convince anyone that may want to explore north of Shellbay against such action. A crew of Saltkrigere would come to Elrich directly, saying that the pay would be good and they would even be able to own their own portion of land as payment without Shellbay coming to stake claim. Truly, this was because Hamish saw Elrich and the rest of the Westlanders as savage folk that would never be able to run their own city.    Elrich and his men would serve as thieves for some time and were never suspected as various groups of uncivilized folk were increasingly a problem as people would leave their villages and expand without permission. His son would be born while they wandered the lands between Shellbay and modern Fjordstrond in the year 276. The The deal with the Westlanders would eventually end before Elrich's death, but he would serve as a glorified thief even after his own son retired and left to found Astania
249 292 43 years old
The Westlands
Place of Death


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