Maut Tira

Maut Tira, first son of Tut Maut and Ira Tira, would begrudgingly replace his father on the throne of Brille. His rulership was significant, in that he was the first son of any J'barri demi gods to be born and to rule. Nil Hra died with no children, leaving Kala to be ruled by a council. Can En lived exceptionally long, not having any children take the throne until well after Maut Tira. Expectations were across a wide spectrum for Maut and how he would rule. His father was rather cruel and refused to stop the use of fire magic, though Maut quickly put an end to that.    He refused to take up pacts or treaties with any other cities or nations during his rule, but he was not exactly isolationist. He would often take advantage of pirates and their fleets, cutting bargains with them. These generally went well for him and the people of Brille, ensuring their safety without any risk to themselves to achieve it. Old Udundst was rather intriguing to Maut as a child, but by the time he came to rule, he deemed it too dangerous to meddle with ever again. He would be responsible for the banning of travel to Udundst, though it would become a form of exile later in history.   Maut was seen as a practical and stoic leader. He would tend to get defensive if people criticized his tactics, though he did tend to be correct. He didn't believe the effects of blood magic to be genuinely effective and generally had a low mind for spirituality. He would, however, go on to cultivate blood magic as a form of superstition for the people of Brille as a way to keep faith and spirits up- something that Brille still benefits from today. Several holidays were created from this, and a new calendar (specifically for Brille) was developed by Maut Tira's close confidantes who believed the city needed revitalization after the disaster of the Mountainfold began to wane.


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