Tut Maut (Tut Mao-t)

The only ruler whose sickness matched his power.

-Can En, the Craftsman

Brille Pride Leader

Tut Maut was the pride leader of Brillé when the J'barri first gained access to fire magics. He was one of the three J'barri who entered the volcano and wiped the Yunbad slaves of Renad-Pai out of existence. Tut Maut was a brutal leader before and after using magic. Magic just gave him the courage to commit atrocities himself. Even though he had several Yunbad slaves, he would cast himself and fight in the dueling pits of Brille. He was not the famed 'Grand Champion' of the fighting pits although he went undefeated. Even though he often pushed the limits of fire magic, it never emaciated him. There are theories as to why magic never harmed him, none of which are confirmed.   Being one of the first three fire magic wielders, he is viewed as a Demigod by the J'barri. This title is fitting, seeing as he spent much time with J'bar in his life, and they were good friends. Much like his grandfather, Jie Teka, Tut enjoyed conversation with J'bar. They viewed themselves as quite similar ideologically and emotionally. Tut Maut always enjoyed listening to stories about his grandfather in particular, as record keeping in his time was not as valued as it is in the years of Namiddag.   J'bar even took a special interest in teaching Tut how to use fire magic and new techniques. Some suspect that it was J'bar who taught blood magic to Tut before Riiji (the use of blood magic by Tut is unproven, too). The two of them both enjoyed the fighting pits, whether it was watching or fighting. Previous leaders would not allow J'bar in as a result of his god status, but Tut allowed him entrance under the alias "Kiel Baru."   Seeing as Teka Maut , his mother, never told Tut who his father was, he imprinted heavily on J'bar. The untrained eye may view them as friends, but seeing how much Tut took after the destructive J'bar, it is likely that J'bar filled a role that was long needed. Unfortunately, this didn't bode well for the rest of Brille.   Once the J'barri-Yunbad conflict occurred, J'bar could no longer be trusted. His worship was ousted from Brille almost overnight by the people. Tut didn't seem to want this, but he wanted the people's support even more. His personal journals show that he feared J'bar returning with a vengeance, but he was never heard from again.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Deformity giving him 4 fingers on each hand


Tut Maut

Son (Important)

Towards Teka Maut: Pride Leader of Brille



Teka Maut: Pride Leader of Brille

Mother (Important)

Towards Tut Maut



Tut Maut


Towards Jie Teka


Jie Teka


Towards Tut Maut


Tut Maut

friend (Trivial)

Towards J'bar




friend (Vital)

Towards Tut Maut



Blood magic and the fighting pits

A commonly held belief is that Tut would use blood magic to directly drain slaves' biomatter rather than his own, which is why he could cast so haphazardly. He became a force to be reckoned with in the fighting pits, but he never gave the gift of fire to anyone else in his city (not even family). This gave every opponent a mass disadvantage. Tut's fights were nothing more than slaughters and were viewed as a dictator getting his sick kicks.   The most renowned grand champion of Brille, Firi, was supposed to fight Tut Maut but he openly refused. A letter from Firi to Tut'Maut regarding the subject is still preserved to this day by a Brille museum. It reportedly says no more than "That just doesn't seem fair."
Date of Birth
Kehfri, Brille
Place of Death
Kehfri, Brille
Aligned Organization


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