Namen Logratte (Name-in)

Son of Kaster Logratte, Namen would be selected to rule after Astinor Skaldson's death. This was considered a great omen, as this would mean a return of the the kin of Warren to the throne. 
281 356 75 years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The stories of my great grandfather surprise me. Well accomplished, yet was walked over by Hamish Troutlung at every step. Even at the death of my great aunt, he did nothing. He let Dalrin run, and now his descendants carry the blood of Warren. Westland savages... Yet they're of relation to me."   "The Skaldsons? A pathetic breed, pretending to carry the Steward's legacy and too small to create their own. Cousin Iketta, as much as I hate calling her such, went on to marry a westland savage as well. Their spawn, Afingar, gives the Skaldsons Warren's blood."   "The Isles are hard enough alone to rule, as my father said they would. Now we have no strong allies in Shellbay. I hear that the Westland savages of my own blood are bound in matrimony to the Skaldsons. In just decades, we could be against an alliance of Fjordstrond and Astania. At the worst, they may draw Shellbay as well. We must get a Logratte over the Gap."


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