Niriya Vanar

Niriya Vanar, last of the Vanar family with blood connected to Warren III, would mark the beginning of the end for the sorry family. Niriya herself had always been outspoken about the respect her family deserved for their relation to the Steward and would do whatever it took to get that position of power. Unfortunately, her attempt had been a failure when her son sold her and her husband out to Hamish Troutlung.   While she had inspired the rebellion, thinking it would be honored by Kanel Logratte for his issues with Hamish, she never managed to take real action. Her death was highly consequential for her whole bloodline, leaving them to immigrate to any number of villages and cities that had been established.


Valrin Longwood


Towards Niriya Vanar

Niriya Vanar


Towards Valrin Longwood

Valrin Longwood (spouse)


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