
The country of Renad is one of the two countries on the continent of Belenad, with the other being Old Udundst. Renad's capital is the city of Brille, but this is mostly a namesake. Renad has no true capital and could hardly even be considered a country. the three cities govern themselves and are only bound by their leading species, religion, language, and a few pacts between each other.   Renad can be identified by its exotic animals, arid grasslands, green-watered beaches, and a unique culture steeped in a primal existence.

Beat extinction

Of the two countries on Belenad, Renad is the only one remaining. After the mountain fold eliminated the people, language, religion, and so much more of the Yunbad civilization, Renad has had full reign over the continent. Regardless of this unfettered control, No one has moved on the territories of Udundst as a result of superstition and the unlivable conditions of the region.    Beyond financial squabbles, the country has remained mostly conflict free, with the only problems coming from small insurgent groups. While some J'barri worry about the recent uprise of the Western Elves and the growth of the nearby city of Ilobel, no mobilization has occurred yet.
Geopolitical, Country


Relations between these two nations has had its up and downs, but they were always shady at best. Even when they saw each other as allies, it was through slave trade and silencing of promising individuals. In the end, they went to war. Technically, the J'barri won the war, though the Yunbad killed themselves. Regardless, most think that the J'barri still would have won.

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