Renad-pai Relief Act

The Renad-pai Relief Act was formed between Kala and Roja during Ettermiddag. Initially providing aid for the excavation of Renad-Pai after its eruption while also giving Roja a financial buffer during decreased production, its true purpose would be to line the pockets of the Council of Kala while decreasing taxes for their own people. Over a thousand years later, this act is still in play, slowly draining Roja of any capital they possess. As of 1947NG, accountants believe that the Copper Nation is reaching its financial breaking point.  

Main Points of the Act

  • For a period of 30 years after the formation of the act, precious metal trade would be exclusive to Kala.
  • Kala would need to purchase a mandatory amount of precious metals until the 30 year grace period ended.
  • Roja would be forced to use Kalan ports to trade abroad (though it had no choice at the time)
  • Taxes and port costs for precious metal exchange would remain higher than in other areas.
  • Roja would be responsible for creating companies for the purpose of importing goods to Kala, which would push the cost onto Roja itself.


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