Sight of Atok Tirash

"Sight of Atok Tirash" is a spell used by the Irz Ikar of the Orcish settlement Az Athur. Considered by locals to be a perversion of divinity, the Irz Ikar witches claim that the spell is the crux of divinity in their eyes: foresight and knowledge granted within the purview of the gods. In this particular case, the witches seek "whispers" from their god Atok Tirash, which provides insight into other planes of existence. While the spell's bounds are yet to be pushed, groups such as the Eldur Monks take particular interest in its capabilities. At present, the Irz Ikar only use the spell to learn where the orcs may have originated before being pulled to Laminarum by Kadelkonatl. Records recovered from destroyed caravans outline limited information that the orcs have learned. For example, the witches have seen into the astral plane and learned information about the Realm of the Quai. Some have gazed into the Waters that currently surround Laminarum in its lonesome hole of the universe and report aberrations outside of their comprehension.  

Unknown Ingredients

The ingredients required for the spell are unknown, but it does require a reflective pool that displays the heavens, implying it must be performed at night. Dwarves that have received the honor of viewing the cultural sight claim that their reflective urn reflects the night sky "deeper than water," implying it may be a different substance altogether. Harridans from the settlement state that the reflective material they use was a gift, though no further elaboration has been given.


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