The Colored Doors

The Colored Doors are ruled by Vail Ikidas. It is infinite in every direction and was a gift from Milin Orphi, but it contained one betrayal (or perhaps a trial to keep her abilities honed). Most of the plane contains magic, land, weapons, and riches that are only accessible to mortals. These individual realms within the plane are accessible via the "colored doors," and it is these doors that prevent Ithitar from spreading their rule. However, when a mortal comes to pass these doors, they can allow anyone they wish to enter.    Those that dedicated their life to the Vail Ikidas and her ways will ultimately break from the cycle of reincarnation and end up here. These are the individuals that are "rewarded" by Vail. Her monstrous guards are commanded to let the devotee enter their door and control their plane. While they are safe within, this is only the beginning of Vail's long political game to gain control over the entirety of her realm.    Artistic depictions and scripture say that the overall realm (the land outside of the colored doors) is the area that falls under Vail's dominion (aside from the colored doors which she has gained access to). It is outside the colored doors that most mortals live. Anyone that went fully through their reincarnation cycle and were determined to be scourges upon society for purposes such as deception and manipulation are sent here to be tormented. Those that have the soul of street dwellers and politicians are said to be the most common inhabitants. They spend their days in conflict and if they attempt to enter a colored door, the monstrosities under Vail's command torture them for the entire length of their reincarnation cycle.


Outside of the colored doors, the plane is said to appear as a city of sewers. It is only when one travels far from the entry point (the Great Bridge of Didoreite) that you can find the colored doors. Some stand tall and broad. Some are bright, while others are dower. Some appear as entry points to physical locations, while some stand alone. These doors are the entryway to hidden lands of treasure. Truly, there is a door for any desire. Power, luxury, defense, faith, etc.    Given the realm's infinite geography, one can find anything they desire (inside or outside the doors). Due to its unbounded nature though, Vail's crusade to control it all will never end.
Plane of Existence
Owning Organization


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