Vhou Riyael Unites the Independent Cities of Nim

Diplomatic action


The first full fledged attempt to unite eastern Silse due to fear of the western elves.

After making an alliance with Bourilia, Vhou Riyael's fears of the West continued to grow. With the attempt at controlling the South and the old attacks on Brille, it seemed that their people had a taste for ruling.   The eastern elves had no magic. The J'barri used blood magic. Humans were rumored to have started the use of fire and storm magic. The Tara-Jhen had the Quai. Vhou had no desire to seek out magic for his own people, as the gods had forsaken his people for less in the past and it only seemed to bring destruction to those that used it. Instead, he put his faith in the will of Silse's people and began traveling between every city bearing gifts, news, and contracts.   First he would go to Mailes. Presently, they existed as a small resource depot for travelers to take a break, but it was more well known for its criminal activity. The people of Mailes would exploit anyone that came through, but tried to hide that fact when Vhou arrived. Unfortunately, for the many gifts he provided, the people of Mailes refused to join his cause.   His second destination was Ghei Wyl. The ideologies there had grown extreme, almost seeming to enjoy their history of punishment from the gods as a form of sacrifice. Vhou feared they wouldn't heed the call for their staunch independent identity, but in the end they would follow him in his mission. Their hatred for the western elves (as a result of religious differences) would almost be enough, but they were also given the promise of independence for the foreseeable future when the war was over.   Last was Poueir. Though they would eventually join his cause, it took extensive political maneuvering and acts that were ultimately out of Riyael's hands. Poueir requested that that the J'barri cheapen their wares for a decade, as well as access to their Rojan forged weapons. Lastly, the one thing that was in Riyael's power, was protecting the channel between Kala and Poueir. Luckily, Kala would agree to the terms of the cheapened wares in the following years (partially for the free protection of the trading channels).

Related Location
Continent: Silse
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