Dark Elves Banned From Urale

Political event


The formal banning and removal of dark elves across the Kingdom of Urale at the order of Ulitol Feneyl.

In his youth, Ulitol Feneyl had taken part in the reclamation of Morie You. Having grown to regret his lack of assertion on the lands of Bourilia, he would slowly develop a sour disposition towards his distant cousins of the south and east (only made worse by their refusal to discuss a treaty of protection). The first major action Ulitol took would be the forceful removal of dark elves from his own lands, as he claimed it was the clearest way to determine whether or not the individuals were of foreign descent.   While opposition to the decision was apparent throughout the easternmost portions of the kingdom, propaganda had taken hold closer to Ilobel. A deep distrust over the years would make the people agree with action and call for it. Records show that within two months, all dark elves were removed from Ilobel. After a year, any territory near Gerron would follow suit. Passing decades would see xenophobia deeply ingrained in the minds of the westerners, which can still be found in more remote villages to this day.   Most of those who were forcefully removed would make way for Bourilia, which had become known as a safe haven for immigrants throughout its existence, though largely due to lackluster enforcement from the authorities as opposed to kind hearts.

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