Morie You (More-ee you)

Morie You (Coincidentally meaning "mountain fall") was the expanded city of Fort Haerehel. The development of this city was a struggle, where many gave hope or tried to return to Nim. Unfortunately, Riyael would not allow them to return. They were soldiers, not mere citizens, and they were there for a reason. Developing a city was not that reason, but their constant pestering had convinced him. They had to live with it.    After years of painstaking development, its defensive and amenities were decidedly sufficient. For what purpose? It was increasingly clear that Yael Haerehel simply wanted more dominion over his people. While he did help with some blue-collar tasks, it was not enough to convince the soldiers that he was the leader they wanted. The development of this city was the first nail in the coffin for Yael, and it was the only legacy he would leave behind.   In modern times, Morie You stands as the capital of Kingdom Haerehel, or the country of "Bourillia." It is not considered a big world player, but this is mostly due to its complacency in the Elvish civil war. Truthfully, it is a melting pot of Caripreet and Mot D'nir travelers, as well as a smuggling city. While Morie does not openly support anyone, the roads are open for travel to anyone. Further, Western Elvish authorities often find smuggled shipments, leading to pressure being placed on the city to close its roads to travelers. Morie You, as well as most of Bourillia, are heavily underestimated.

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