Eyiliv Declares War on Vhou Riyael

Military action


The declaration of war on the Eastern Forces. The declaration would be accompanied by a secret bargain with Caripreet, offering up Tsaoin territory if they joined.

After the assassination attempt on Eyiliv failed, war was certain. Eyiliv requested that Caripreet appear neutral until they were needed. Letters were sent to Mot D'nir, telling Kadelkonatl that forces would soon be in place to take Kraken Bower.   A letter was sent to the Ocean Pride, informing them that they were to get into place, gathering around the northern rivers of Krakan Bower.   Broodmother Vetheres was told to await further command. Though insulted by the order of inaction while the other forces fought, she complied.   When war was declared, Vhou new action had to be taken. He sent a correspondence to the Saltkrigere, requesting for their fleet to aid Bourilia, assuming that would be the Western Elves' first target.   Meanwhile, the J'barri fleets were to set up a blockade within the Proximal bay, preventing the Western Elves from accessing their Waning Rock.   Jerborg and Gullivegur were to set patrols along their borders and begin martial law within the cavernous mountain towns.   The Gidofem of Thiff was to guide the Saltkrigere fleets through the Thanid divide to ensure a swift voyage to Silse.

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War of Eyiliv