J'barri Fire Mages Seek Asylum in Trinen

Population Migration / Travel

642 B.E. - 632 B.E.

The movement of Firemage J'barri to Trinen after the Mountainfold as a result of discrimination and persecution.

After the horrific events of the Mountainfold and the subsequent revelations given to the J'barri, all three Renadi cities swiftly banned the use of fire magic. There were many who were either suspicious of their pride leaders' new information. Others simply did not want to abandon this power they were given, especially after the loss of their Yunbad slaves already impacted their culture greatly. The Elves were staunchly on the side of Roja, who wanted the magics banned. As a way of assuring good terms with the Renadi governments, Vhou Riyael banned the use of fire magics within the borders of his kingdom (or its lands).   With no knowledge of Mot D'nir, the J'barri Firemages only saw Trinen as an option. Their weapons had been stolen by fleets of pirates over the years, so they knew the humans had some potential of allowing the use of magic. Congregations of firemages would prepare plans, in which they stole large stores of scrolls, books, and Firemagic forged weapons to offer up to the pirates in exchange for travel to Trinen.   Pirates were plenty happy to oblige. They kept the weapons, but many J'barri Firemages chose to continue traveling with the pirate fleets, eventually branching into their own fleet. This fleet was known as the "Ocean Pride," and would wreak havoc upon coastal lands of Silse, Trinen, and Mot D'nir for many years.   As for the rest of the Firemages, any J'barri who could give the gift of magic were forced to do so. This would lead to Anivol Brandson, a former pirate, gathering a force to take Astania for their actions against the Caripreet founders. Most of the J'barri would later be imprisoned by Anivol, living their days out in cells.

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