Roja Begins Domestication of the Elephant Bird

Scientific achievement

988 P.E.

The domestication of the 9-11ft tall Elephant Birds of Renad, marking the first recorded and intentional domestication effort in Renadi history.

While other species had been domesticated in the past, such as the Paramont, there were no modern records of how this was accomplished. In recent years, there was the notable domestication of vervet and spider monkeys, though this is often regarded as circumstantial.   The procedure for domestication is extensively transcribed in the book "Science of Domestication in Lesser Species," a Rojan piece that has now been extensively translated and spread across Renad and Trinen. While the capture and breeding of the largest wild organisms were difficult, raising the new young independently of their parent organisms proved a useful tool, though it also left them without many lessons in natural behavior. Early specimens were reportedly rather violent, but over the course of centuries, they are largely considered domesticated and docile (unless bred otherwise).   These days, one can see the Elephant bird in many walks of life. They are the preferred cheap mount amongst Renadi citizens when traveling in small groups with little gear. Otherwise, they are utilized in war, and agriculture, and serve as valuable status symbols amongst particular breeders.

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