Council of Roja

Even though Roja was initially a free city ruled by a singular theocratic leader (most famously, Can-en), it is now ruled by several individuals. The Council of Roja was formed after the death of Can-en as an emergent decision. With Can-en dying unexpectedly (likely poison), his private council and informants did their best to keep the city together. After 5 years of 'experimenting' with the system, the council decided that this was a more efficient form of government.

"May duty's cycle never close"

Geopolitical, City council
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Military support pact

The relationship between Nim and Roja began when Roja was still a theocracy. Can-en and King Riyael maintained good relations and made pacts regarding trade obligations and military support. With the death of Can-en, the council decreased the cost of tariffs on Tsaoin. Riyael was a staunch supporter of continuing the council after its trial run and was the first to recommend that Can-en's informants should take his place.

Trade route and resource dependence

Kala has functional relations with Roja and that mostly only benefits themselves. The trade position of Kala is a safe option for Rojan metals, but its highly exploitative. It would be hard to find a Rojan that doesn't blame Kala for their financial troubles.

Coexisting with cultural disagreements

So little comes out of Brille that both Kala and Roja worry about what happens behind its walls. The fear mostly stems from paranoia. Some information has come out of Brille from spies and escapees, but most of it is hearsay.


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