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Albizia (AL-BIZ-EE-UH)

Albizia is one of the ten minor godesses. She represents the flora and often works in tandem with the goddess Vamera (to keep the ecosystem running smoothly), the god Thymir (to ensure the flora get enough rain), the goddess Pia (when changing the seasons).    The minor goddess often appears in the form of a faeling. A faeling is characterized as an individual who is small (sometimes the height of a toothpick), and who flies. While faelings are not present in Lamyanthe, there are several communities of them on other continents--even so, they are extremely rare creatures to come by in general. Albizia may appear tall or short, young or old, but--as previously mentioned--prefers her faeling form. She makes appearances constantly, always a glimmer or sparkle of light in the treetops, or skipping from petal to petal.    Offerings to Albizia the minor goddess of the flora include pastries, four leaf clovers, and oranges.    ALBIZIA'S BIRTH & LORE
This minor goddess was born of the land--in order words, she, too, sprouted with the petals of the flowers, her limbs crafted of stems, hands of leaves, head of blossom, and body holding all of these delicate nature features together. Each spring, it is said Albizia is reborn anew with rejuvination. The season festivals are largely dedicated to Albizia.


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