
A naval trading hub and shipyards located at the southmost edge of the Summer's Coast, Leilon is a common stop on trading routes across the The Sundered Sea, in particular with the Iskathi city of Occatil.


Due to it's position on the southern frontier of the Empire, Leilon is a particuraly cosmopolitan town.  A wide variety of creatures make their homes here, and they occasionally see trading envoys from Occatil or from the Wildling Dragonborn in Quan.  Some long time residents even recall visits from more exotic races - Tabaxi or Lizardfolk.


Leilon is a barony, with the official head of state being an noble appointed by the Duke in Neverwinter.  The day-to-day running of the city is overseen by a council of citizens - typically appointed from the most wealthy and successful trading organizations and merchant families.


Leilon has an extensive harbour and shipyard.  The harbour is largely enclosed by massive sea walls.  In the centre of the harbour walls is a small rocky islet, upon which a large lighthouse has been constructed - known as the Flame of Eithen. The settlement extends out into the harbour area, where buildings are constructed on-made stone islands and are connected by canals.


  • Leilon
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