
A fairly small, rough and tumble frontier town, Phandalin was built in the ruins of a previous town of the same name, which was destroyed by Orcish raiders.


Phandalin was a comparatively cosmopolitan settlement. It's frontier location attracted adventurous members of most races with a thirst for adventure, or the will to make a profit


Phandalin had no formal government. Each year the townspeople would elect one Townmaster to serve as overseer and magistrate.

Industry & Trade

Phandalin was primarily a mining town. The majority of trade in the town flowed through the Phandalin Miner's Exchange, where local prospectors brought their finds to be claimed and valued. These ores were then transported inland to Triboar, or outwards to Neverwinter where they were shipped onward to Kaylest.


Phandalin was a fairly rough and ready town. A windmill located at the Alderleaf Farm was used to mill grain from the farm. Most of the roads throughout town were dirt tracks.

Guilds and Factions

The Phandalin Miner's Exchange was the main faction operating in the town. As most of the population (while transitory) were the local miners and prospectors, the Miner's Exchange was also the primary employer.


Phandalin was ressettled and rebuilt after a number of prospectors travelling a distance out from Leilon found a rich seam of gold in the Icespire Mountains near the ruins of Old Phandalin. Entrepreneurial spirits from the local towns soon descended, and a few other finds were discovered. This led to a small gold rush, and some of the profits were used by wives and families of the prospectors to begin rebuilding the town as a base.
The town was razed for a second time by the army of Iquath, in the body of Iarno Albrek, before the Siege of Neverwinter. The attackers were held off by a group of adventurers long enough to allow a significant slice to the population to escape and flee to Neverwinter.


The buildings were chiefly made of rough hewn local fieldstone, around a timber framework. While not pretty, they exuded a certain charm.


The town was nestled in a small plateau in the foothills of the Icespire Mountains. The town was surrounded on all sides by mountains, with the principal access via a road to the north, which winds through a narrow pass among the hills. A narrow hunting trail which wound up through the mountains to the west was used as an escape route for the refugees.

Natural Resources

The local mountain areas are rich in valuable ores.


  • Phandalin

1387 AE

100 (Transient1)
1: Most of the population are miners and prospectors who spend a large percentage of their time out in the wilds
Inhabitant Demonym


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