The Black Dog

The Black Dog is a particularly rough tavern, located right on the waterfront, and is a common haunt of sailors on leave from their vessels.
The taproom is dingy and dirty, and bar fights break out most nights. The tavern has five small rooms, through the back, which are predominantly used by prostitutes. Sailors often sleep in the common room. The tavern serves cheap nasty ale and grog. The owner, Bram Miritar - a humourless elf - is notoriously cheap and it is rumoured that he collects the dregs from the glasses to top up the grog, which is kept (and brewed) in an open barrel behind the bar.
The tavern is also a common hangout for younger members of the Thieves Guild .
Nulara Aendryr is a half-elf prostitute who is based in one of the back rooms of the tavern. She keeps her ear to the ground and listens to her client's pillow talk - believing information to be a powerful weapons. She knows a lot of what's happening in the world and in the city.


The building is made from irregular cut blocks of granite. Doors and windows are trimmed with timber, and the roof is made of interlaced slates.
The tavern has a large common room, with a bar along the northern wall. A small, smoky fireplace is bedded into the southern wall, and a number of benches and booths are arranged along this same wall. Round tables with stools are scattered throughout the floor.
In the western wall, a corridor leads to the inn's rooms. In addition to the five rooms available for rent, a sixth room is occupied by Bram.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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