Lanath Discussion Boards

Downtime Activities

Mon, Apr 25th 2022 11:48
This is an experiment. Trying a "Play by Post" approach to downtime activities when you're not actively on an adventure.
If you can't make a session, we would probably assume your character is staying in Thundertree or Neverwinter while the rest of the group is out adventuring.
So create a post describing what your character is up to during that time, and we can play a pretty low stakes, slow pace, play-by-mail game in the background of day to day stuff, cleaning the castle while the rest of the group saves the world...


Sun, Jun 5th 2022 07:37
When the main story quests are progressing, what are those still in town up to?


Mon, Apr 25th 2022 08:39
Neverwinter Downtime


Thu, Jun 9th 2022 03:16
Thundertree Downtime