
A bird species that resembles the Corvids from Earth in many ways. Size-wise they compare to bald eagles, yet they still are more of a scavenger than a predator. The species is considered extremely dangerous on account of their size, groups, and vindictiveness. As such, it is outlawed on Ymir to provoke them. Those that harm them, are publicly arrested and relocated, in the hopes the birds feel justice was done.   Fortunately, not many of these creatures ever ventured into the First City. The only ones that frequently come into contact with them, are Wildlanders, who appear to have built up some form of connection with them. There are Homesteaders that claim to have hunted with the aid of a Corvus flock, and some Battle Spears even worked together with flocks to hunt down Ursa Majors.   Due to a limited amount of information, these claims have not yet been proven as a fact. Nor is there a clear indicator of the creatures their level of intelligence. But the claims still have been spread, even though this goes against proper scientific buildup. The running theory is that these claims were spread so that others would not end up in a fight with the creatures. Given how there are actually █████ cases of Corvus attacks, including █████ fatalities, avoiding their vindictive nature indeed seems wise.   Note that it's not just people that hunted alongside the Corvus flocks. They also have been recorded being involved in hunts with Lupus Minors and Lupus Majors. This strengthens the believe that these creatures are more than mere scavengers.
Scientific Name
Ymir Corvus
20 - 30 Years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
0.7 - 0.9 metres
Average Weight
3 - 6.3 kg
Average Wingspan
Average Flock Size
5~300 adult members
Hold grudges as a species, aggressive against all that harmed them
Health Safety
Safe for consumption, yet ill-advised

Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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