
Those that live outside the First City. While used as derogative by some, and as a phrase of admiration by others, this phrase is considered unofficial. Yet at the same time, there is no real official alternative available. Homesteaders doesn't cover it, because that legally covers those with a legal claim to a Homestead. Hired hands, live-in relatives, and those that lost their own Homestead and now live on another, are not covered by this term. So as long as no legal documents are involved, Wildlanders is as good a phrase as any.   As Homesteaders tend to keep to themselves, or small communities. Even trade with the First City tends to be done on their own turn. As such, the First City residents mostly only know about them through television and blogs, such as the Homestaid show. Since these content creators need something to draw interest, they tend to act more exaggerated. This means many people's impression of Wildlanders is one created through showmanship.
Current Population
~9000 (████████)
Notable members
  • ████████████
  • ████████████
  • ████████████


There are a lot of myths regarding how Homesteaders live, though there is some fire underneath all the exaggerated smoke. This document is meant to provide a summary explanation of both sides.   Homesteaders are all about self-sufficiency. Asides from the fact this is lawfully mandated from them to keep their land rights, they wanted this lifestyle from the very start. For many of them, when they applied to become a Homesteader, this was with detailed plans to live as much off the grid as possible.   It is this autonomy that drew the interest of other Wildlanders. And while romanticised, it is true that life on a homestead takes hard work that can be considered rewarding. Not everyone is up for that kind of life, but it is considered useful that there are outlets for those interested in it.
Another aspect that draws some, is the lack of obedience for the law. Restrictions that apply in the First City, aren't strictly enforced outside. One well-known example is underage drinking with homemade alcohol. Of course in truth this is supervised by adults and a rare occasion. Yet some believe the Wilderness to be lawless lands, where one can do whatever. This attitude leads to the occasional clash with reality, when a hired hand discovers they overstepped and are blacklisted.   What is true, is that Homesteaders learn to handle a weapon at a young age. Self-defense and hunting are skills learned best young. There is a thrill to the hunt, that the content creators may exaggerate, but that many do feel. Even Defenders on patrol will feel these emotions, which is why they undergo strict training to act safely and carefully. Even then, the experienced Wildlanders exercise far more restraint. Defenders, meanwhile, occasionally get court martialed for being trigger-happy.

Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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