Defender Justice Department

Responsible for keeping Defenders in line, the Defender Justice Department acts like a combination of HR and military police. They normally only have authority over Defenders, though in very rare cases they may take action against civilians. Usually, however, any evidence involving civilian crimes will be handed over to Civic Courts and prosecutors instead.   The main base of the DJD is the Military Court, where court martials are held. Individual investigators will operate elsewhere, but all evidence and casefiles are kept secure at the Court. Investigators their Scribe 2.0s are encrypted and automatically send all their data to secure servers at the court. Though proper justification is required to access said data, this auto-upload is meant to discourage any violence towards investigators.   The DJD differentiates between three levels of severity, with most employees strictly affiliated with one type. Specifically low for simple cases, middle for significant cases, and high for armed incidents and high treason.
Court types
High, Middle, Low
  • Judges
  • Prosecution
  • Legal Council
  • Investigation


The DJD is split into four main departments. First of are the judges, who are meant to remain strictly neutral and make their decisions based on logic and proper law. Additionally, they decide when information above one's security clearance is made available.   The prosecution makes claims and cases, aiming to either get a conviction or properly established precedence. They do not always aim for a guilty verdict, but it is important for them to note what facts and opinions are involved in a possible conviction. Some cases are too important not to prosecute, even though everyone expects a verdict of innocence.
Legal council assists as legal defense for anyone prosecuted, helping them collaborate with investigators without violating their personal rights. They have a limited confidentiality obligation, less so than a civic lawyer. However, they make very clear where the line lies, as to not trick a client into accidentally implicating themselves.   Lastly, there are the investigators. These are also meant to remain neutral, making sure all avenues are kept in mind. Asides from active court cases, an investigator may also investigate suspicious situations. However, even then neutrality is a must. Biased investigators can be retrained, fired, or even court marshaled.  

Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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