
Located in the Ymir wilderness next to a small lake, Rainville is a fortified camp maintained by the nearby Homesteaders. The place originally was constructed as a Homestead, but its owners ended up losing their claim rights due to incapability of self-sufficiency. They have since then moved into the First City. However, a few years later young homesteaders began using the area. Eventually it was fixed up a lot. While technically an illegal construction, due to legal reasons and it being maintained by many, its existence is currently condoned.   Normally Rainville is simply used as a hangout spot by younger homesteaders, as a place to come together and party, which is suspected to include underage drinking. It also is used for harvest festivals, which is when a much larger group attends. These festivals also draw in Defenders due to the need for additional security, even if the area is not considered hazardeous. Truth be told, it's mainly used as a training area for young Defenders, including underage ones. Which does mean that some may imbue, though their superior officers do make sure nobody drinks while on duty.   Rainville is set up as a typical Wilderness camp, with a buffer zone and dry moat. This makes it harder for any predators to approach the place. This security, and the presence of Defenders during harvest festivals, have proven useful in the past due to an Ursa Major stampede. However, due to the amount of underage individuals involved in this incident, its details are kept classified under security clearance 4. Providing details here could be used to figure out sealed records, as such no details are supplied whatsoever.
Ymir Wilderness (█████, █████)
Land Area
4 ha (40.000 m2)
Other Structures
  • None
  • Security
    Security Protocols
    • Daily healthchecks (all)
    • Non-lethal Force authorised
    Physical Security
    • ████████████
    • ████████████
    • ████████████

    Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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