Underage Drinking

Outlawed on Ymir as on most countries on Earth, underage drinking is significantly (█████%) prevented within the First City through strict regulations. However, it happens more amongst Wildlanders. While kept under hats, it is still a public secret that comes with a significant negative impression by some of Homesteaders and their ilk.   Due to the impact on physical and mental development, throughout history the minimum drinking age has been raised over time. On Ymir, the limit is 20 years, counted from one's official birthday. This places the limit exactly one year before coming of age on one's Key Day. An important motive in this choice, is that it gives people the time to get used to alcohol before they are formally recognised as adults, with all rights and responsibilities thereof.   While near-universally accepted within the First City, this limit is not as accepted outside. In fact, only an extreme minority of Homesteaders believes this law should be properly followed. The main conflict lies in when and how much, not in whether underage drinking should be allowed at all.
Significant inside First City

Within the First City, all provable offences lead to fines. While privacy laws normally do prevent prosecution of any that happens behind doors, public and excessive cases do lead to granted warrants on video evidence. In extreme cases, temporary or permanently suspension of parental rights has occurred.   Amongst Homesteaders, the main limit is peer pressure. Neighbours whose values mismatch too much, will result in moral clashes which can impact friendships and more. There is, however, a rough baseline that most seem to follow. As general guideline, half a glass starting age 14, a glass starting age 16, and a glass of strong liquor starting age 18. Even then, this is normally reserved for special occasions, such as important birthdays and weddings.
Harvest Festivals
During the harvest festivals, which happen a bit over three times a year, there is less supervision by adults, as mostly the teenagers will be by themselves. That said, there are usually still some young adults keeping an eye out. Additionally, since harvest festivals come with other activities that some consider immoral, there is usually peer pressure to not overdo consumption. This because consent is considered extremely important.   Given how enthousiastic teenagers will also sometimes go shooting, this is another good reason to keep alcohol consumption within limits. Furthermore, just like adults, teenagers also are taught to always keep their wits about, in case of an Ursa Major stampede.

Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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