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History of Lancer

Universal Century, often abbreviated as "UC", is the English name for the Japanese name is "Uchuu Seiki", meaning "Space Era".   The start date for the Universal Century (UC) calendar used is based on dateline “Mar 30, 2084" the official date of the first Mars Colony being established. Thus Universal Century begins in 2084 AD, following the establishment of the United Nations of Earth founded in the year 2001 AD. UC dates may thus be converted to AD by adding 2080 and AD dates converted to UC by subtracting 2080


1582 UC 2084 UC

Gregorian calendar, also called New Style calendar, solar dating system now in general use. It was proclaimed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a reform of the Julian calendar.

  • 2001 AD

    1 January

    The United Nations of Earth formally announces its Space Colonization Plan.
    Political event

  • 2021 AD

    UN Terraform Projects
    Construction beginning/end

    The UNE starts their global Terraform Project in order to increase the amount of landmass for humanity to live on. It also allowed for the discovery of new resources and redefined the borders according to the UNE needs. This project would later be referenced in future terraforming projects done in space outside of Earth.

  • 2064 AD

    First Mechs to be Developed
    Technological achievement

    General Massive Systems developed the first mechs from up-armored hardsuits.

  • 2084 AD

    Calendar is changed to the Universal Century era
    Era beginning/end

    With Earth’s population exceeding 9 billion, an ambitious space colonization program begins. Construction of the Primus colony on Mars. Upon its completion in 2084, the calendar is changed to the Universal Century era.

Universal Century Era

UC 0001

Universal Century, often abbreviated as "UC", is the English name for the Japanese name is "Uchuu Seiki", meaning "Space Era".   The start date for the Universal Century (UC) calendar used is based on the dateline “Mar 30, 2084" the official date of the first Mars Colony being established. Thus Universal Century begins in 2084 AD, following 36 years of the establishment of the United Nations of Earth founded in the year 2045 AD. UC dates may thus be converted to AD by adding 2080 and AD dates converted to UC by subtracting 2080

  • 1 UC

    86 UC

    Athena's Necklace Construction
    Construction beginning/end

    The United Nations of Earth construct a defensive structure known as "Athena's Necklace", a series of orbital defense bases surrounding Earth. Athena's Necklace was designed to provide a permanent defense against planetary threats such as asteroids, space debris, and potential other threats. That being said, the necklace's real purpose was to stand as a last line of defense against possible rebel fleets that attempt an invasion of earth.

  • 1 UC

    Start of the New Era
    Era beginning/end

    • Human migration into space begins in earnest. The calendar is changed to the Universal Century era.
    • Primus Space colony completed.

  • 13 UC

    Mass Production of Energy and Laser Weapons from Mercury
    Technological achievement

    Energy-guided lasers and weapons have been made long before the colonization of Mercury. However, soon after the formation of the Mercury colony, the discovery of new energy sources on Merucry allowed for more advanced, powerful, longer-lasting, and energy-efficient use of energy and laser weapons. Mercury then became the industrial home of energy and laser weapons and technology.

  • 56 UC

    The Blackout of 56
    Disaster / Destruction

    A sudden space debris storm creates a “Kessler Effect” causing 70%+ of all orbiting satellites to malfunction and crash to Earth. The cause is unknown.   The subsequent blackout causes mass devastation. Planes crash. Drone crashes. Communication grids collapse. Already jammed global supply chains come to a stand-still. Prices of oil, grain, coal skyrocket exponentially. Unsubstantiated claims report over 100,000 lives are lost.   A world on the brink goes over the edge. No internet. No navigation. No surveillance. No weather forecasts.   Geopolitical distrust surges overnight. No one can spy on each other, so no one can trust each other. Many nations claim the other is responsible for the Blackout, while some suspect independent Lancers were behind it and accuse them of trying to sow anarchy. Leading to infighting between many Lancer organizations.

  • 86 UC

    United Nations' Solar Defense Act
    Political event

    Following the completion of the base, the United Nations declared the United Nations' Solar Defense Act. The United Nations' Solar Defense Act states the reorganization of the United Nations fleets and the disband of non-Terran fleets. The act also states the authorization of the United Nations' forces mission to disband and replace Offworlder fleets. This was met with a mass backlash from the Offworlder population and only grew more tensions between Terrans and Offworlders.

  • 86 UC

    9 September 9:00
    86 UC

    18 September 9:00

    The Battle of Ares IX
    Military action

    "The Battle of Ares IX", resulted in the destruction of the UNN 3rd Fleet by the Martian First Fleet and would be the first battle of the Solar Wars.

  • 86 UC

    18 September 9:00
    100 UC

    6 June 06:00

    The Solar Wars
    Political event

    The Solar Wars were a series of wars after offworlder outrage over the United Nations' Solar Defense Act. With most of the fighting done within the inner core of planets, the United Nations' fleet was destroyed and forced into a white peace, leading to the declaration of independence of all Planets. That being said not all Planets were against Earth for independence, however with the United Nations promising peace the solar system would be put at ease after years of war.

  • 100 UC

    7 April 9:00

    The Battle of Achaemenid (Fall of Athens' Necklose)
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the successful war effort by rebel forces, the Martians assembled a whole task force fleet to battering-ram the Moon and use it as a massive projectile missile against Athens' Neckoles. After destroying one of the bases of the Athens' Neckless it left a huge gap in the defense line, allowing for rebel forces to start their push towards Earth. This battle would be nicknamed "The Battle of Achaemenid" or otherwise known as the Fall of Athens' Necklace.

  • 100 UC

    6 June 06:00

    The Solar Independence Conference
    Gathering / Conference

    On June 6, U.C 100, after years of fighting and the destruction of the United Nations' Homeland Fleet, the UNE signed the Solar Independence Act, allowing all Planets of UNE control to become independent.

  • 101 UC

    132 UC

    Dark Age of War
    Military action

    Due to the dramatic loss of the United Nations' power, many nations across Earth exploit the gap of power by use of military action. Military forces on Earth scramble for what's left, empires and nations fall, and only armies control what's left. Resources are scarce and people are desperate to have what's left.

  • 132 UC

    Current Year

    The year is U.C 132 (2216), it has been thirty-two years since the end of a series of colonial planet rebellions known as the "Solar Wars". With the massive defeat, the United Nations has lost its militaristic and economic power. This would be the start of a new dark age of humanity, where nations and powerful corporations on Earth would exploit the void of power and rage war against their neighbors for what's left. The future is bleak, resources are scarce, war is constant and the United Nations is on the brink of collapse.