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Karina was the most proficient and lethal assassin of her tribe. She lived in the Shadow Swamp with her sister Selena and the rest of the Dark Elves. After being betrayed by their corrupted clan leader who sacrificed Selena to the Abyss, Karina left her tribe and the Shadow Swamp behind. Swearing vengeance upon the Abyss, Karina, Shadow Blade, roams the Land of Despair, hoping that one day she can bring Selena back home to where they belong.  




Darkness nurtured me, but it's time to end its reign.

Karina could only stare in horror at the abomination that stood before her. She felt her insides shiver at the sight of what her sister Selena had become. Rage, regret, despair…a thousand different emotions flooded her head. She never imagined she’d have to face her little sister like…this.

Karina once believed that she could always protect her sister from whatever came their way. They had been inseparable since their days as sprightly young Elves, leaning on each other for almost everything. They spent much of their youth sprinting through the lush woodlands together. But the spreading blight of the Abyss swiftly brought those bright and innocent days to an end.

The south of the Emerald Woodland fell into darkness, and the forest that the sisters called home turned into the Shadow Swamp. The Abyss corrupted all the Elves that remained and turned them into Dark Elves, doomed to serve the Demons that brought them to ruin. But despite succumbing to the defilement of the Abyss’, these corrupted Elves retained their ancient Elven powers. The Lord of the Abyss sought this power for himself, hell-bent on using the Dark Elves as pawns to his scheme to devour this world whole.

Since the fall of the Shadow Swamp, the young Karina was trained to become a lethal, cold-hearted assassin. She executed her missions with ruthless efficiency, never thinking twice about cutting a life short, be that of a woman or a child. But coldblooded as she had become, Karina held a soft spot for her little sister Selena, whom she showered with nothing but warmth and love.

To keep her sister away from a life of endless violence, Karina begged their clan leader to keep Selena in the dark about her endeavors. Her sister was her only safe haven from a life otherwise filled with death and destruction. To Karina, Selena was a symbol of home, reminding her of something worth fighting for…someone worth coming back to.

Karina knew very well that, were they to descend into a battle between light and darkness, their world could suddenly turn upside-down. She would be left with no choice but to fight the Abyss; but at the very least, she could protect her little sister. And so, Selena lived a life far from the carnage of her sister’s hidden life. But Karina never foresaw how the walls she built to protect her sister would fall apart as they grew older, destroyed not by any other force except her own.

As Selena grew older, she began feeling uneasy about her sister’s peculiar job. She wondered why Karina would sometimes leave home abruptly. She’d be away for days or even weeks at a time, only to come home covered in wounds and bruises. Nonetheless, despite her concern, Selena never prodded Karina on the matter. But the idea of her sister being constantly beaten down by unknown enemies kept eating into her mind.

One day, Karina came home yet again battered and beaten. But even in the face of her horrified sister, she wouldn’t speak a word. And not long after her wounds had healed, Karina began making preparations for another mission, as if nothing happened. This time, however, Selena stood in her way. She knew that if she let Karina leave, she might never see her again.

Ignoring her sister’s pleas, Karina went ahead anyway. She had long decided that the life of an assassin was a burden that she must bear alone. As Selena watched Karina disappear into the distance, she swore to herself that her days of anxiously waiting for her sister to come home were over. She followed Karina in secret. And yet, the adept assassin soon caught on that someone was trailing her. But just as Karina was about to shake her sister off her tracks, a dark figure suddenly attacked Selena. Karina’s instincts kicked in, and she instantly launched into combat to save her sister.

That was the first time Selena witnessed her older sister in battle. Watching Karina swiftly eliminate the enemy brought Selena some relief along with a grim realization: she and her sister lived two very different lives that were worlds apart.

The astounding spectacle left Selena with a desire to gain the same strength and power that her sister had. She decided to meet with their clan leader, a choice that marked the beginning of Karina’s endless nightmare. Unbeknownst to both of them, their leader had long fallen deep into the claws of the Abyss. And so instead of giving Selena guidance, he led her to be a sacrifice to the Demon Lord, setting the innocent Elven girl on a path to her ruin.

By the time Karina uncovered the deceitful plot, it was too late. She rushed to save her sister, but Selena had changed beyond recognition. The young girl was suspended aloft, a thick cloud of malice permeating the air around her. The Lord of the Abyss stole away all her sense of self, warped her wishes to protect Karina, and transformed her into a tool of destruction. Selena could no longer hear the desperate cries of her sister.

Karina had no choice but to cross swords with her sister in a futile attempt to save her. Never did she imagine that the deadly skills she slaved to perfect would have to be used against the one she loved the most. Neither did she expect her sister to be capable of such a burst of power. In the end, her strength proved inadequate against Selena’s corrupted form.

The disheartened Karina left the Shadow Swamp. Her unfortunate clash with her sister had left her spirit weak and worn down. She roamed the Land of Despair, where she found comfort in its darkness, swearing vengeance upon the Abyss and those who took her sister from her.

And yet, she held on to the hope that one day, she would take Selena back and bring her home to where they both belong.


Mastery Code/Chronicle Page

Chronicle Page currently unavailable

Short Story

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Comic Exclusive

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Full Name
Also Known as
Shadow Blade
Dark Elf
Gender & Sexuality
Shadow Swamp
Favorite Food
Disliked Food
Power Abilities
Shadow Twinblades


Skin Tone
173 cm
Distinct Features


Dark Elves
Current Location


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