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Miya is a fearless young Elf that lives in the Azrya Woodlands with her brother, the Elf King Estes , and the rest of the Moon Elves. Choosing to renounce worldly strife, Miya led her people’s retreat behind the Lunar Aegis, without expecting the Demon army’s sudden attack. In order to protect her homeland, Miya, Priestess of the Moon, led troops of Moon Elves in an act of resistance against invading enemies.  




Great Moon Goddess, if war should come to this land, sacrifice cannot be avoided. Please give me the strength, courage, and faith to protect my people and our homeland!

While Elves are known for their unnaturally long lives, these frail and fair folk are far from immortal. Indeed, the peaceful Elven race had endured great pain and suffering throughout their long history in the Land of Dawn. Only after taking refuge in the Azyra Woodlands were they blessed with a brief respite from their ordeal.

Born towards the end of the Era of Strife, Miya bore witness to the indescribable tragedies that befell the Elves during the Endless War. She was among those who followed the Moon Goddess to salvation, only to later face the horrors of the Second Continental War with the humans. And even after all these, Miya had to watch as some of her people degenerated into Dark Elves, consumed by the Abyss's corruption of the Shadow Swamp.

Worn down by the ill fate of her race and bearing the scars of war, Miya longed for nothing but a peaceful life. This dream of hers soon came to be, when the Moon Goddess summoned all of her strength to forge the Lunar Aegis that would shelter the Elves of the Azyra Woodlands. And thus, Miya and her people would thrive once again under the Aegis' protection.

But the enchantment was a monumental task even for a magical being, and once it was done, the Moon Goddess fell into a deep slumber. Miya, however, never wavered in her gratitude to the Goddess. For thousands of years, she served as a priestess in the Luna Temple with absolute piety. Day and night, she prayed for the Goddess' reawakening, that her people might forever be protected under her power. Little did Miya know that, despite her devotion, this brief period of peace would soon come to an end.

As the Demons of the Abyss continued to spread out, the drums of war once again echoed throughout the Land of Dawn. When the battle between the humans and the Abyssal demons came to a head, the Elves were divided on how to deal with the looming threat. Miya's brother, the Elf King Estes, stood for those who feared that the onslaught of the Abyss would soon spell doom for the whole continent. In their minds, only by facing the demons head-on do they stand a chance of saving their homeland.

Many other Elves, however, believed that their people had suffered enough, and vowed to never again be embroiled in a conflict of any kind. They chose instead to retreat behind the borders of the Azyra Woodlands, and wait for the war out under the cover of the Lunar Aegis. Miya was among those who refused to see any more Elven lives sacrificed in the name of righteousness. Estes could not understand why his sister stood against him, but Miya firmly held on to the Moon Goddess' final behest: to protect their people, whatever the cost.

In the end, most of the Elves joined Miya in seeking refuge under the Lunar Aegis, opting to defend the Azyra Woodlands, instead of marching into the battlefield. But while the Aegis had the power to ward off the blight of the Abyss, it proved helpless in holding back the demonic legion that descended upon the Woodlands. Hell-bent on breaking into the Moniyan Empire, the Abyssal army scaled the insurmountable Lantis Mountains. Soon they would set out from the Shadow Swamp, invading the Moniyan Plains from the Moonlit Forest.

Despite fierce resistance from the Elves, the Demon army swept through the Moonlit Forest, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. The Demon Lord Thamuz set fire to the Tree of Life where many Elves resided, igniting an infernal scourge upon the forest.

Miya couldn't help but blame herself for the tragedy. By choosing to avoid war, she thought she could protect her people. But instead, her desire for peace led to an even greater calamity. Miya ceaselessly prayed for enlightenment in the Luna Temple, hoping that the Moon Goddess would hear her at her most desperate moment. But alas, she was met with nothing but silence.

With the light of the Moonlit Forest dimming by the day, Estes and some other Elves felt their strength slowly waste away. In the distance, Orcs and Demons led by the Orc Commander Balmond gathered in the Stormeye Wastelands, biding their time to take over the Moonlit Forest. With the Moon Goddess still deep in slumber and King Estes' power waning, Miya had no choice. Unprepared as she was, she had to answer the call for war.

Taking the duties of the Priestess of the Moon upon herself, Miya led her people in defending their homeland. As the hideous roar of the Orc war drums echoed from beyond the horizon, the Elven troops of the Moonlit Forest sounded a horn that had not been heard for thousands of years. Miya, Priestess of the Moon, took up her silver bow and led her people to charge into battle under the moonlight.

Mastery Code/Chronicle Page

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Short Story

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Full Name
Also Known as
Moonlight Archer
Priestess of the Moon
Moon Elf
Gender & Sexuality
Moonlit Forest, Azyra Woodlands
Favorite Food
Disliked Food
Power Abilities


Skin Tone
Distinct Features


Current Location


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