
the language of the primitive tribes of Klesh. There are 5 major dialects of this language. Baklish (48% of the population), the Sanghash (20%), the Tekesh (17%), and the M'Bochish (12%). The Tekesh group suffers from widespread discrimination from all the other ethnic groups in KLESH because they are unorganized forest dwellers with little political power. All are considered Klesh, most outsiders speak Baklish dialects of Klesh, this is the most common dialect spoke through out Nehwon.
  • Tekesh tribes are consider some of the best jungle trackers in all Nehwon. many Rangers from this tribe (+4 Wisdom, -2 Charisma)
  • Baklish tribe are consider very good diplomats (+1 charisma, no penalty to CON)
  • M'Bochish tribe are the most fierce of all (+1 Strength, no penalty to CON)
  • Sanghash tribe are known for their musical skills many Bards come from this tribe and travel about Nehwon (+2 Charisma)
Root Languages
Successor Languages
Spoken by


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