Kvarch Nar

Iron rules the core of the city, They have the best medal workers and Blacksmiths in Nehwon. They also protect their iron limiting the amount that is exported and dictating what it can be used on. This works two ways, keeping iron prices up which keeps weapon and armor prices up.
This is the largest of the Eight Cities and lies directly across the Inner Sea from Lankhmar. Much trade passes between the two cities. The Kvarchers are an austere and serious people, dedicated to trade and profit. Most of their military defense is in the hands of mercenaries.


Humans: from the Eight Cities (80%), Lankhmar(8%) and Mingols(4% Dwarf, Gnome (8%)


The elected majority has a Mayor and eight Vice Mayors. Who are made up of the many villages that surround Kvarch Nar. The Mayor and each majority Vice Mayor are a head of a department of the city, with responsibility for an area of operation, such as City roads. The Guilds also have four Vice Mayors, but they hold no executive power. Together the Mayor and the 12 Vice Mayors form the Council of Mayors, and they prepare matters for the City.


Great Fortress made from Red Stone Wood. A blood red ancient wood that does not burn. these giant trees are thousands of the years old. Special blades and tools are needed to work this lumber.

Industry & Trade

The strategic and economic importance of the city made Kvarch Nar an important factor in relations between the Quarmall Kings and the national independence movement in the 15th century. The Quarmall King was able to enter the city in 1520. On the day of the Lizard of the Black Witches’ Moon a massacre of opposition forces called the Kvarch Nar Bloodbath took place and set off further uprisings that eventually led to the breakup of the Quarmall oppression. With the coming together of the eight cities in 1523 and the establishment of a royal power, the population of Kvarch Nar began to grow, reaching 10,000 by 1600.


Kvarch Nar is located on the Land of the Eight Cities with vast forest along the southern coast, where the River Mangarishik — flows out into the Inner Sea. The central parts of the city consist of fourteen islands that are continuous with the Kvarch Nar archipelago. The geographical city center is situated on the water, in Kvarch bay. Over 30% of the city area is made up of waterways and another 30% is made up of parks and green spaces.


Iron, Lumber, gems, gold. Kvarch Nar is the Eight Cities financial center. Major money lenders houses for the major Nehwonean Cities such as Lankhmar, Quarmall, and Horborixen, are headquartered in Kvarch Nar, as are the major guild houses. Kvarch Nar is also home to Nehwons foremost Iron and Lumber exchange. Additionally, about 45% of The Eight City guilds with more than 200 members are headquartered in Kvarch Nar. Clothing Guilds is also headquartered in the city. In recent years, tourism has played an important part in the city's economy. The Rich of Nehwon travel on their yachts in the summer months.

Guilds and Factions

Miners Guild, Lumber guild, Sailors, Mercenary Guild;


After the Ice Age, around 8,000 years ago, there were already many people living in what is today the Kvarch Nar area, but as temperatures dropped, inhabitants moved south. Thousands of years later, as the ground thawed, the climate became tolerable and the lands became fertile, people began to migrate back to the North. At the intersection of the Inner Sea and River Mangarishik is an archipelago site where the Old Town of Kvarch Nar was first built from about 1000 TK by Men of the North. They had a positive trade impact on the area because of the trade routes they created. Kvarch Nar's location appears in sagas as Var Nar, and in connection with the legendary king Gane. The earliest written mention of the name Kvarch Nar dates from 1252, by which time the mines and forest had made it an important site in the iron and lumber trade. The first part of the name (Kvarch) means log in Kvarinan, although it may also be connected to an old Northern word (Kvar) meaning fortification. The second part of the name (Nar) means islet and is thought to refer to the islet Hedgelet in central Kvarch Nar. According to Elric Chronicles, which are kept in the Great Library in Lankhmar, the city is said to have been founded by Badger Jarl to protect the many villages along the inner Sea from invasions made by Mingols after the pillage of the villages on along the River Mangarishik in the summer of 1187.


Both Wood and Stone are present. Red roofs from the tiles made from the red iron rich soil.


Due to the city's high northerly latitude, the length of the day varies widely from more than 18 hours around midsummer to only around 6 hours in late in the Frost Moon (Winter). The nights from late in the White Witches’ Moon (spring) until mid-Murderer’s Moon (Summer) are bright even when cloudy. Kvarch Nar has relatively mild weather compared to other locations at similar latitude, or even farther south. With an average of just over 1800 hours of sunshine per year, it is also one of the sunniest cities in Northern Nehwon, receiving more sunshine than HORBORIXEN, and a few other major Nehwonean cities of a more southerly latitude. Because of the urban heat island effect and the prevailing wind travelling over land rather than sea during summer months, Kvarch Nar has the warmest July months of the Eight capitals. Kvarch Nar has an annual average snow cover between 75 and 100 days. Summers average daytime high temperatures of 20–25 °C (68–77 °F) and lows of around 13 °C (55 °F), Winters generally bring cloudy weather with the most precipitation falling during the Frost Moon and January (as rain or as snow). The average winter temperatures range from −3 to −1 °C (27 to 30 °F), and occasionally drop below −20 °C (−4 °F) in the outskirts. Spring and autumn are generally cool to mild.

Natural Resources

iron, lumber, gold, gems
Alternative Name(s)
Var Nar
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location


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