Red God

The war god of all the eastern lands appears as a massive, dark-skinned man with red studded leather armor, carrying a bronze shield and spear. He is sometimes bearded and wears a pointed helm or a red feather. His boots and belt shine as brightly as the sun and he is often portrayed wreathed in flames. He primarily supports the horse nomads of the east. Worshiped by Mingols and other easterners, he is only moderately popular in Lankhmar and The Eight Cities"> is a true neutral lesser god worshiped by "eastern" warriors in addition to true neutrals. He will sometimes aid important worshipers by sending an 8th level magic user to assist when they are in foreign lands.  
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Followers: Predominately Eastern Warriors and other True Neutrals
  • Status: Lessor God

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