Taku - The Shark God

During the Dark Age, there was a Nehwon god named Taku. He was one of the high gods in Nehwon and he was the guardian of the reef. This god was brave, strong, fearless, and jealous of all of the other reef guardians. He was the best known of all of the gods that guard the reefs. Taku Tongan Myth of the Shark God As a god, Taku could sometimes change into an ‘anga (shark), so that he can travel from island to island. He often turned into an ‘anga so that he could travel around defeating the other reef guardians. One day, Taku went to the Island group to challenge the guardians of the reef. He beat the guardians here quite easily. Then he decided to go to Suva. When he arrived in Suva, the guardian of this reef challenged him. During the battle, the two creatures were massive and they generated large waves. The waves caused the rivers to overflow flooding the valleys for many miles inland. The seas also caused really rough seas and people were scared. Taku challenges reef guardian. Taku challenges a reef guardian. Taku won yet another battle. He continued challenging most of the other reef guardians and he won each battle. One day, Taku met an old friend Masilata, another god. Masilata told him that there is a brave guardian that guards the Kamatuvú Islands. Taku didn’t waste any time and he went to look for this guardian. He listened for the sounds of the reef and swam towards the sound. When he found the entrance to the reef, he saw a great big Fthul (octopus) waiting for him. The Fthul had four tentacles that floated on the surface of the water, while the other four tentacles grasped the reef. Taku swam straight for the Fthul. The four floating tentacles wrapped around Taku and squeezed his body tightly. In this moment, Taku could feel that the Fthul was really strong and he felt that death was upon him. For the first time ever, Taku admitted defeat.


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